add_nodes: Add Multiple Nodes to a Path Diagram

View source: R/S04-add_nodes.R View source: R/S02-legacy_functions.R

add_nodesR Documentation

Add Multiple Nodes to a Path Diagram


Function to add multiple nodes (and associated paths) to an existing path diagram.


  paths = NULL,
  output = F,
  shape = "box",
  shape.col = "white",
  shape.lwd = 2,
  shape.border = "black",
  shape.lty = 1,
  shape.pad = 0.5,
  shape.x = NA,
  shape.y = NA,
  text.size = 1.25,
  text.col = "black",
  text.spacing = NULL,
  path.pad = 0.025,
  path.lwd = 2,
  path.col = "black",
  path.length = 0.1,
  path.angle = 30,
  path.lty = 1,
  path.code = "->",
  xpd = NA,
  ignore_asterisk = TRUE,
  add = TRUE



A vector of labeled character strings; see details for more information.


An optional vector of labeled character strings; see details for more information.


Logical; if TRUE returns a list with the x and y-axis coordinates for each node.


The default shape for nodes, either 'box', 'circle', or 'blank'; options for individual nodes can be specified with the tag ns=.


The default color for nodes; options for individual nodes can be specified with the tag nc=.


The default line width for node borders; options for individual nodes can be specified with the tag nw=.


The default border color for nodes; options for individual nodes can be specified with the tag nb=.


The default border line type for nodes; options for individual nodes can be specified with the tag nt=.


The default space between lines of text for nodes; options for individual nodes can be specified with the tag np=.


The default fixed width for nodes; options for individual nodes can be specified with the tag nx=.


The default fixed height for nodes; options for individual nodes can be specified with the tag ny=.


The default size for text content; options for individual nodes can be specified with the tag ts=.


The default color for text content; options for individual nodes can be specified with the tag tc=.


The space between multiple lines of text; options for individual nodes can be specified with the tag th=.


The space between a line or arrow and a node; options for individual nodes can be specified with the tag lp=.


The default line width for paths; options for individual nodes can be specified with the tag lw=.


The default line color for paths; options for individual nodes can be specified with the tag lc=.


The default arrowhead length for paths; options for individual nodes can be specified with the tag ll=.


The default angle of arrowheads for paths; options for individual nodes can be specified with the tag la=.


The default line type for paths; options for individual nodes can be specified with the tag lt=.


The default arrow direction for paths; options for individual nodes can be specified with the tag cd=. Directions are specified with the symbols ->, <-, <->, or -.


Logical; if TRUE ignores asterisks for dimension purposes since they are used to indicate bold/italic font.


Logical; if TRUE adds nodes (and paths if specified) to an existing figure.


Each node is specified via a text string in the format:

"Text content|x=value|y=value|..."

substituting value with the respective x and y-axis coordinate positions for the node, and ... referring to additional options controlling node aesthetics.

Options are specified as a tag followed by a value; for example, to draw a node as an ellipse, one uses the combined tag and value: ns=circle. Multiple options can be specified by separating them with the | symbol.

Paths (lines or arrows) can be drawn between existing nodes whose string input is labeled, via the format:


where Label is the label in the string vector (i.e., the name attribute), and coordinate is one of eight values: bottom, left, top, right, bottomleft, topleft, topright, or bottomright.

As before, additional aesthetic options can be specified via a tag and value, with multiple cases separated by the | symbol. For example, the width of a path line can be set via the tag and value: lt=2.


# Define vector of string inputs for nodes to draw
input = c(
  # [Node label] = "Text|x=value|y=value|..."
  N01 = 'Node-01|x=.2|y=.33',
  # Set node shape to ellipse; resize and color text
  N02 = 'Node-02|x=.5|y=.66|ns=circle|ts=2|tc=blue',
  # Color node and remove border
  N03 = 'Node-03|x=.8|y=.33|nc=grey80|nb=NA'

# Define vector of string inputs to draw paths
# between labeled nodes specified in 'input'
paths = c(
  # Start of path    End of path      Options
  # Label|coordinate|Label|coordinate|...
  # Connect various nodes and coordinates
  # Orange dashed thick line
  # Blue double-headed arrow with small arrowhead

# Create empty figure

# Add nodes and paths
  input, paths = paths

rettopnivek/pathdiagrams documentation built on Sept. 15, 2024, 5:35 p.m.