
#' Response time and choice data from a priming task.
#' A dataset containing response times and choice data for
#' 25 subjects who completed a word identification task with
#' immediate word priming. Subjects completed both a
#' two-alternative forced-choice task and a same-different
#' task, alternating between tasks every  80 blocks. Response
#' times faster than 200 ms and slower than 4 seconds have been
#' trimmed.
#' @format A data frame with 31879 rows and 5 variables:
#' \describe{
#'   \item{Subject}{The index number for the 25 subjects.}
#'   \item{Accuracy}{An incorrect response is 0, a correct
#'     response is 1.}
#'   \item{Choice}{Coded as 0 if the subject picked left/same
#'     and coded 1 if the subject picked right/different.}
#'   \item{RT}{The duration from the time at which the on-screen
#'     choice alternatives were displayed and a subject's choice,
#'     in seconds.}
#'   \item{Condition}{The index number for the current condition
#'     (see notes).}
#'   }
#' @note
#' The conditions of the experiment are provided in the following
#' table. The first column gives the index number. The second
#' column indicates the type of task, where 2AFC refers to the
#' two-alternative forced-choice task, and SD refers to the
#' same-different task. Column three reports whether the target
#' word or a foil word was primed. Column four indicates the
#' duration in ms for the prime word. Column five indicates the
#' type of correct response where L denotes left, R denotes right,
#' S denotes same, and D denotes different.
#' \tabular{rcccl}{
#'  0  \tab 2AFC \tab Target \tab 50  \tab L\cr
#'  1  \tab      \tab        \tab     \tab R\cr
#'  2  \tab      \tab        \tab 400 \tab L\cr
#'  3  \tab      \tab        \tab     \tab R\cr
#'  4  \tab      \tab Foil   \tab 50  \tab L\cr
#'  5  \tab      \tab        \tab     \tab R\cr
#'  6  \tab      \tab        \tab 400 \tab L\cr
#'  7  \tab      \tab        \tab     \tab R\cr
#'  8  \tab SD   \tab Target \tab 50  \tab S\cr
#'  9  \tab      \tab        \tab     \tab D\cr
#'  10 \tab      \tab        \tab 400 \tab S\cr
#'  11 \tab      \tab        \tab     \tab D\cr
#'  12 \tab      \tab Foil   \tab 50  \tab S\cr
#'  13 \tab      \tab        \tab     \tab D\cr
#'  14 \tab      \tab        \tab 400 \tab S\cr
#'  15 \tab      \tab        \tab     \tab D
#' }
rettopnivek/rtplots documentation built on May 27, 2019, 5:55 a.m.