
Defines functions .onAttach

#' @importFrom opentimsr setup_bruker_so
#' @noRd
.onAttach <- function(libname, pkgname) {
    requireNamespace("opentimsr", quietly = TRUE)
    so <- getOption("TIMSTOF_LIB", default = NA)
    if (is.na(so))
        so <- Sys.getenv("TIMSTOF_LIB", unset = NA)
    if (is.na(so))
        packageStartupMessage("Location of the TimsTOF library not known.\n",
                              "You need to use 'opentimsr::setup_bruker_so' ",
                              "to set/load this library in order to be able ",
                              "to read TimsTOF files. See the package ",
                              "vignette for more information.")
    else opentimsr::setup_bruker_so(so)
rformassspectrometry/MsBackendTimsTof documentation built on Oct. 21, 2023, 4:19 p.m.