dbWriteSampleData: Write sample annotations to a MsBackendSql SQL database

View source: R/MsExperiment-db.R

dbWriteSampleDataR Documentation

Write sample annotations to a MsBackendSql SQL database


For MsExperiment objects with their MS data represented by a Spectra object that use a MsBackendSql backend, its sample annotations can be written to the backend's SQL database with the dbWriteSampleData() function. The content of the object's ⁠[sampleData()]⁠ (as well as eventually present linking between samples and spectra) will be stored in two separate database tables sample_data and sample_to_msms_spectrum in the same database.

This requires that the MS data of the experiment is represented by a MsBackendSql backend (see help on the createMsBackendSqlDatabase or the MsBackendSql package vignette for more information on how to create or use such SQL databases).





MsExperiment from which sample annotations should be written to the database.


Johannes Rainer, Laurent Gatto



## Create a MsBackendSql database from two mzML files.
## Connect first to an empty SQLite database (for the example we create
## a database in a temporary file).
sqlite_db <- tempfile()
con <- dbConnect(SQLite(), sqlite_db)

## Define the files from which we import the data
fls <- dir(system.file("sciex", package = "msdata"), pattern = "mzML",
    full.names = TRUE)

## Create a MsBackendSql database containing the full MS data
createMsBackendSqlDatabase(con, fls)

## Note: alternatively it would be possible to first import the MS data
## to a `Spectra` object and then change the backend to a `MsBackendSql`
## using the `setBackend` function.

## Load this data as a `Spectra` object (using a `MsBackendOfflineSql`
## backend)
sps <- Spectra(sqlite_db, source = MsBackendOfflineSql(),
    drv = SQLite())

## Define sample annotations for the two data files. Adding one column
## `"file"` that contains the file name of the data files.
df <- data.frame(sample = c("QC1", "QC2"), file = basename(fls))

## Add a spectra variable `"file"` to the `Spectra` object with
## the raw data files' file names to simplify the linking between
## samples and spectra performed later.
sps$file <- basename(dataOrigin(sps))

## Create a MsExperiment with the spectra and sample data.
mse <- MsExperiment(spectra = sps, sampleData = df)

## Establish the link (mapping) between samples and spectra
## using the column `"file"` in the `sampleData` and the spectra
## variable `"file"`.
mse <- linkSampleData(mse, with = "sampleData.file = spectra.file")

## Write sample data (and the sample to spectra mapping) to the
## *MsBackendSql* database.

## List the tables in the database

## Sample data was thus stored to the database.
dbGetQuery(con, "select * from sample_data;")

rformassspectrometry/MsExperiment documentation built on Feb. 15, 2025, 7:22 a.m.