Man pages for rfxf/Rfdbk
Handling NetCDF feedback files

afcFast version of the 2AFC for continuous observations and...
agg_det_scoresAggregate deterministic scores
asSeasonFunction to sort a given date to meteorological seasons (DJF,...
bitcheckFunction evaluating the flags bit
comparableRowsFind comparable rows in DT for two or more attributes
fdbk_dtFdbk file content (as obtained from read_fdbk(_f)) is...
fdbk_dt_add_obs_iniUpdate a feedback file data.table with observations valid at...
fdbk_dt_binningBin a data.table column into user defined bins and replace it...
fdbk_dt_binning_levelBin a data.table column around user defined levels and...
fdbk_dt_brierCalculate the brier score (and decomposition and skill score)...
fdbk_dt_conditionalFunction for conditional filtering of data.tables
fdbk_dt_contscoresCalculates most common contingeny scores
fdbk_dt_conttableCalculates stratified contingency table entries (above...
fdbk_dt_conttable_2thrsCalculates stratified contingency table entries (above or...
fdbk_dt_crpsCalculate CRPS(crps, crpsPot,Reli) from data.table applied on...
fdbk_dt_crps_normCalculate CRPS and Ignorance score from data.table with EPS...
fdbk_dt_hits_uncertCalculates stratified hit rates for uncertain obs/fcst
fdbk_dt_interpolateBin a data.table column into user defined bins and replace it...
fdbk_dt_multiLoad relevant information of many feedback files as...
fdbk_dt_multi_largeFunction to load one or many fdbk Files and transform them to...
fdbk_dt_reliability_diagramCalculate the reliability diagram statistics
fdbk_dt_uv2drcCalculate wind direction from u and v wind components in a...
fdbk_dt_uv2spdCalculate wind speed from u and v wind components in a...
fdbk_dt_verif_continuousDeterministic scores for data.tables from feedback files,...
fdbk_dt_verif_continuous_windDirDeterministic scores for wind direction in degrees with...
fdbk_dt_wideFunction returning ensemble feedback file content as...
fdbk_refdateGet reference date(s) from feedback file(s)
hhmm2hourFunction to convert time in format hhmm to decimal hours....
lonlat_to_synopregionNon-overlapping regions, specifically defined for the DWD...
multiplotMultiple plot function
read_fdbkLoad the entire content of a fdbk file
read_fdbk_fLoad the entire content of a fdbk file or only some specified...
read_fdbk_largeLoad one fdbk file and return as list of lists of.......
rowSdsStandard deviation on rows of array (faster than using...
scatterplotScatterplot with colored points
statid_to_wmoregionConvert WMO station-id to region
varno_to_nameConvert variable number (varno) to long or short variable...
windBiasDifference in wind direction (based un U. Pfl<c3><bc>gers...
windDirConvert u,v wind in wind direction in degrees
windSpeedConvert u,v wind in wind speed
rfxf/Rfdbk documentation built on May 27, 2019, 7:22 a.m.