The Musical Scene Analysis Test (MSA) is an adaptive instrument for assessing auditory scene analysis (ASA) abilities in the context of music in individuals with very diverse ability levels. The test has been calibrated an online experiment among 525 normal-hearing (NH) participants with ages ranging from 18 - 72 years ($\mu$ = 28 years; SD = 11.02; 274 female) and 131 hearing-impaired (HI) participants with ages ranging from 23 - 82 years ($\mu$ = 40.5 years; SD = 20.6; 67 female). The MSA is suitable for measuring ASA abilities in young (and musically trained) NH as well as old HI individuals with up to severe non-aided hearing impairments (i.e., the MSA is not suitable for profound HI individuals). In a subsequent in-lab validation experiment with 74 listeners (20 HI), MSA scores showed acceptable test-retest reliability and moderate correlations with other music-related tests, pure-tone-average audiograms, age, musical sophistication, and working memory capacities. Alongside the standard MSA, an alternative non-adaptive version of the instrument is also available as part of this package. To better cater to individuals using hearing aids or cochlear implants, we’ve also developed a specialized version of the test. This includes extended musical excerpts, which prove beneficial during the device’s internal fitting procedures. Currently, the test is available in German (formal and informal), English, and French language. More languages can be quickly implemented on request. For more information see Hake et al. (2023; Behavioural Research Methods;

Quick online Demo

A running demo version of the MSA can be accessed via:

Special requests

The current item bank comprises 160 excerpts featuring target instruments such as lead vocals, piano, guitar, and bass, as well as mixtures containing either 3 or 6 instruments (see ‘Stimuli construction’ below). If different or specific configurations are require, we are able to generate new items from a pool of over 12,000 available candidate excerpts. Depending on your particular conditions, an adaptive version of the test may still be feasible by applying the Bayesian model that was used to estimate item difficulty. For questions and special requests, please contact us directly (via or


You can cite the MSA as follows:

Hake, R., Bürgel, M., Nguyen, N.K., Greasley, A., Müllensiefen, D. & Siedenburg, K. (2023). Development of an adaptive test of musical scene analysis abilities for normal-hearing and hearing-impaired listeners. Behavioural Research Methods (2023).

We also advise mentioning the software versions you used. In particular the versions of the MSA and psychTestR packages. You can find these version numbers from R by running the following commands:

if (!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")
x <- devtools::session_info()
x$packages[x$packages$package %in% c("MSA", "psychTestR"), ]

Installation instructions (local use)

  1. If you don’t have R installed, install it from here:

  2. Open R.

  3. Install the ‘devtools’ package with the following command:


  1. Install the MSA:



Quick local demo

You can demo the MSA at the R console, as follows:

# Load the MSA package
# Run a demo test, with feedback as you progress through the test,
# and not saving your data
# Run a demo test, skipping the training phase, and only asking 5 questions,
# as well a changinge the language
MSA_demo(num_items = 5, language = "de")

Testing a participant

The MSA_standalone() function is designed for real data collection. In particular, the participant doesn’t receive feedback during this version.

# Load the MSA package
# Run the test as if for a participant, using default settings,
# saving data, and with a custom admin password
MSA_standalone(admin_password = "put-your-password-here")

You will need to enter a participant ID for each participant. This will be stored along with their results.

Each time you test a new participant, rerun the MSA_standalone() function, and a new participation session will begin.

You can retrieve your data by starting up a participation session, entering the admin panel using your admin password, and downloading your data (.rds file is recommended). For more details on the psychTestR interface, see

The MSA currently supports English (en), German (de), fomral German (de_f), and French (fr) - more languages follow soon. You can select one of these languages by passing a language code as an argument to MSA_standalone(), e.g. MSA_standalone(languages = "en"), or alternatively by passing it as a URL parameter to the test browser, eg. (note that the p_id argument must be empty).

Get results

If you are just interested in the participants’ final scores, the easiest solution is usually to download the results in .RDS format from the admin panel [use function readRDS()]. If you need only a few detail, you can examine the individual CSV output. If you are interested in trial-by-trial results, you can run the command MSA_compile_trial_by_trial_results() from the R console (having loaded the MSA package using library(MSA)). Type ?MSA_compile_trial_by_trial_results() for more details.

Detailed results are stored as the ‘metadata’ attribute for the ability field. You can access it something like this (see also example code at the end of the documentation):

x <- readRDS("output/results/id=1&p_id=german_test&save_id=1&pilot=false&complete=true.rds")
attr(x$MSA$ability, "metadata")

Item / Stimuli construction

The stimulus material was drawn from an open-source database (“MedleyDB”, see Bittner et al., 2014; 2016), which comprises recorded real-world multitrack music excerpts representing a range of popular music genres (e.g., classical, rock, world/folk, fusion, jazz, pop, rap, etc.).

Excerpts were generated semi-automatically in the programming environment MATLAB (Mathworks, 2020) and consisted of a 2-sec clip of a single instrument or voice (the target), followed by a 1-sec gap of silence, and a 2-sec clip with multiple instruments (mixture) – each varying in terms of (1) the choice of the target instrument (lead voice, guitar, bass, or piano), (2) the musical complexity, that is the number of instruments in the mixture (three instruments vs. six instruments in the mixture), and (3) the level-ratio of the target in comparison with the mixture (0, -5, -10, -15 dB).

In order to investigate potential candidates for the test excerpts, instruments in the database were first categorized as lead vocals, backing vocals, bass, drums, guitars, keys, piano, percussion, strings, winds and others. Secondly, sound levels were analysed and calculated based on the root-mean-square average over 500ms long time windows for the full duration of the song. If one instrument in the target category and two to six additional instruments had sound levels above -20 dB relative to the instrument’s maximum sound level, they qualified as potential candidate. To avoid click artefacts caused by the extraction at random timepoints, a logarithmic fade-in and fade-out with a duration of 200 ms was applied to the beginning and end of the signals. Furthermore, the mixes has been readjusted by a professional musician. Signals from the candidate list were extracted pseudo-randomly, using the same song as infrequently as possible, with the target instruments (1) lead vocal, (2) guitar, (3) bass and (4) piano being evenly balanced.

In total, 160 excerpts were generated based on 98 different base tracks (songs). In half of the mixes, the target instrument was not part of the mixture - in this case, excerpts with four or seven instruments were chosen (to ensure three and six instrument signals in the mixture, respectively). For more information on the test construction have a look at the publication.

More information about the stimuli used can be found in the github repository ( There detailed configurations on instruments used within each excerpt can be found (see also “MSA_item_bank_explanation.txt”).

Usage notes


Special acknowledgement is extended to Klaus Frieler for his invaluable assistance with the implementation of the MSA as an R package and for his general technical support. Additionally, we express our gratitude to Christian Lespioniges for his significant contribution in translating the MSA into the French language.


Bittner, R., Salamon, J., Tierney, M., Mauch, M., Cannam, C., & Bello, J. P. (2014). MedleyDB: A Multitrack Dataset for Annotation-Intensive MIR Research. In 15th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Taipei, Taiwan.

Bittner, R., Wilkins, J., Yip, H., & Bello, J. (2016). MedleyDB 2.0: New Data and a System for Sustainable Data Collection. International Conference on Music Information Retrieval (ISMIR-16), New York, NY, USA.

Script: Example Experiment

# prepare experiment ------------------------------------------------------

# install required packages
if (!require(devtools)) install.packages("devtools")
if (!require(tidyverse)) install.packages("tidyverse")
if (!require(tidyr)) install.packages("tidyr") # etc..

# download MSA from github: 

# Load the MSA package
library(MSA) # ?MSA_standalone #more information on the function

# run experiment ----------------------------------------------------------

# Run the test as if for a participant, using default settings,
# saving data, and with a custom admin password
# including advanced specifications
  title = "Musical Scene Analysis Experiment #1",
  num_items = 40,
  adaptive = TRUE,
  admin_password = "password",
  researcher_email = "",
  languages = c("EN")

# analyse the data --------------------------------------------------------
# load packages
pacman::p_load(dplyr, tibble, ggplot2, devtools, readxl, data.table, Hmisc, MSA,

# set working directory
wd <- print(getwd())

# ** get results from file -------------------------------------------------------------
### result files for the main experiment 
results_list <- list.files(path = paste0(wd,"/output/results"),
                                 pattern = ".rds", full.names = TRUE)
# read the RDS file
results_list <- results_list %>%

# convert to a data frame
results_dataframe <- tibble::as_tibble(, results_list)) 
results_dataframe <- tibble::as_tibble(, results_dataframe)) 

# & unnest
results_dataframe <- plyr::ldply(results_dataframe, data.frame)

# select only relevant coloumns
results_dataframe <- results_dataframe %>% 
  dplyr::select(p_id, complete, time_started, current_time, ability, ability_sem, num_items)

# give me trial_by_trial results of the MSA
# ?MSA_compile_trial_by_trial_results  # for more information

# **  get individual MSA data  --------------------------------------------
tmp.results <- list.files(path = paste0(wd,"/output/results"),
              pattern = ".rds", full.names = TRUE)

tmp.MSA_results <- NULL
results_per_item <- NULL
# i <- NULL #debug
# i <- 1

for (i in 1:length(tmp.results)) {
  # load rds
  # i4 = 2
  tmp.load <- readRDS(tmp.results[[i]])

  # extract p_id from the loaded file
  tmp.p_id <- qdapRegex::ex_between(
    left = "p_id=",
    right = "&save_id",
    include.markers = FALSE) %>% as.character()

  # sanity check

  # duration 
  tmp.duration <- abs(as.numeric(tmp.load$session$time_started - tmp.load$session$current_time))

  # because its the long version we need to fetch the MSA_results names
  MSA3_indices <- grep("^MSA_long", names(tmp.load))
  MSA3_names <- names(tmp.load)[MSA3_indices]

  # check if MSA_results exists, else just say incomplete & NA
  if (length(MSA3_indices) == 1) {

    MSA3 <- as.numeric(tmp.load[[MSA3_names]]$ability[1]) 
    MSA3_sem <- as.numeric(tmp.load[[MSA3_names]]$ability_sem[1])

    if(is.null(MSA3) || {MSA3_complete <- "incomplete"} else {MSA3_complete = "complete"}
  } else  {MSA3 <- NA
  MSA3_complete <- "incomplete"}

  if (length(MSA3_indices) == 1) {
    tmp.MSA_results <- tmp.load[[MSA3_names]]$ability
    tmp.MSA_results <- attributes(tmp.MSA_results)$metadata$results %>%
      dplyr::select(num, # = order of the item
                    item_id, # = item_id; see
                    difficulty, # = item difficulty
                    answer, # the answer provided by the participant
                    correct_answer, # the correct answer
                    score, # TRUE = the anwser was correct
                    ability_WL, # the estimated ability score 
                    ability_WL_sem # the estimated standard error of the ability estimate
                    ) %>%
      dplyr::rename(ability = ability_WL, # WL = for weighted likelihood ability estimate
                    ability_sem = ability_WL_sem) %>%
      mutate(p_id = tmp.p_id) # participants ID

    results_per_item <- rbind(results_per_item, tmp.MSA_results)

# select only relevant rows
results_per_item <- results_per_item %>%  
  dplyr::select(p_id, num, item_id, difficulty, # = item difficulty
                score, ability_WL, ability_WL_sem) %>% 
  dplyr::rename(ability = ability_WL, # for weighted likelihood ability estimate
                ability_sem = ability_WL_sem)

# quick plot  --------------------------------------------------------------
results_per_item %>%
  dplyr::rename(MSA = ability) %>%
  ggplot2::ggplot(aes(num, MSA)) +
  ggplot2::geom_line(aes(fill = p_id)) +
    aes(fill = p_id),
    size = 3,
    pch = 21, # Type of point that allows us to have both color (border) and fill.
    color = "white",
    stroke = 1 # The width of the border, i.e. stroke.
  )   +
  ggplot2::xlab("Item sequence number") +
  ggplot2::ylab("MSA ability score") +
  ggplot2::theme_bw(base_size = 15)

# quick inspection  --------------------------------------------------------------
results_per_item %>% ggplot2::ggplot(aes(score, difficulty)) +
    aes(fill = p_id),
    size = 3, 
    pch = 21, # Type of point that allows us to have both color (border) and fill.
    color = "white", 
    stroke = 1 # The width of the border, i.e. stroke.

# inspect per participant
loop_p_ID <- NULL
for(loop_p_ID in 1:length(unique(results_per_item$p_id))) {
  tmp.print <- results_per_item %>% 
    filter(p_id == unique(results_per_item$p_id)[loop_p_ID]) %>% 
    ggplot2::ggplot(aes(score, difficulty)) +
      aes(fill = p_id),
      size = 3, 
      pch = 21, # Type of point that allows us to have both color (border) and fill.
      color = "white", 
      stroke = 1 # The width of the border, i.e. stroke.

rhake14/MSA documentation built on May 20, 2024, 2:28 a.m.