Man pages for ribailey/gghybrid
Evolutionary Analysis of Hybrids and Hybrid Zones

calc_AICFunction to calculate AIC from the best posterior parameter...
compare.modelsStatistical comparison of pairs of either 'esth' or 'ggcline'...
data.prepPrepare data for hybrid index and genomic cline estimation.
esthBayesian hybrid index estimation.
ggclineEstimate genomic cline parameters, credible intervals and p...
plot_clinecurvePlot the fitted cline for one or more test subjects using...
plot_hPlot function for estimated hybrid indices and credible...
read.dataLoad data stored in the format of a structure file or similar...
rtmvnormDT3Function to sample from the posterior of estimated genomic...
rtnormInternal function that samples from a truncated normal...
split_data_prepFunction to split a data.prep analysis object into multiple...
ribailey/gghybrid documentation built on Feb. 2, 2024, 12:53 a.m.