Man pages for ribosomeprofiling/ribor
An R Interface for Ribo Files

get_coverageRetrieves the coverage data for a given transcript
get_experimentsProvides a list of experiments from a .ribo file
get_infoGet information about the .ribo file
get_internal_region_coordinatesRetrieves the region stop and start coordinates
get_internal_region_lengthsReturns the overall length of each region with UTR Junctions
get_length_distributionRetrieves the length distribution of a given region
get_metadataRetrieves the metadata of an experiment
get_metageneRetrieves the metagene data from a .ribo file
get_original_region_coordinatesRetrieves the region stop and start coordinates
get_original_region_lengthsReturns the overall length of each region
get_reference_namesRetrieves a list of reference names
get_region_coordinatesRetrieves the region stop and start coordinates
get_region_countsRetrieves the region counts from a .ribo file
get_region_lengthsReturns the overall length of each region with UTR Junctions
get_rnaseqInformation on the RNA-Seq data of the experiments, if any
get_tidy_metageneRetrieves the metagene data in a tidy format
plot_length_distributionPlots the length distribution
plot_metagenePlots the metagene coverage data
plot_region_countsPlots the region counts of UTR5, CDS, and UTR3
rename_defaultRename function for appris transcriptome naming convention
rename_transcriptsRenames the transcripts
ribo-classRibo Class
riborribor: A package for reading .ribo files
set_aliasesSet the aliases of a ribo object
ribosomeprofiling/ribor documentation built on May 21, 2021, 8:02 a.m.