Man pages for ricardobatistad/sbm_theory
SBM inference

arrayGenGenerate array for slurm arra job
blockSizes_genProduce block sizes
blockSizes_gen_normProduce block sizes (normalized)
entropyShannon's entropy
get_output_fullFull output generation
get_output_meet_fullAll observations with meeting columns
get_output_sumSummary of full output
get_output_sum_meetSummary of full output for meeting
get_samps_processedSummary of indices processed
graph_generatorGenerate graph from SBM
graph_generator_overlapGenerate graph from SBM (overlap)
graph_statsProduce stats for a given graphs
graph_stats_overlapProduce stats for a given graphs
matrixGeneratorGenerate M matrix (see Lelarge)
matrixGenerator_overlapGenerate M matrix for overlap
MSEMean squared error NOTE: Modify when using the latest python...
NMINormalized mutual information
nullFinderDetermine whether a prefernce matrix is viable
outputGenProduce (single-row) algorithm output as txt file
outputParserParse single-row peixoto output
paramGeneratorGenerate entries of prefernce matrix
script_generatorGenerate slurm scripts
scripts_allBatch generate all scripts
separation_paramsProduce separation (i.e., c) params
Z_genGenerate true labels
ricardobatistad/sbm_theory documentation built on May 25, 2019, 9:24 a.m.