
The second data validation workflow, VALID-II: Pipeline Data Validation, somewhat simplifies the process for checking data directly. There is no agent involved here and we instead call validation functions directly on the data table objects. Because no agent, there is no report, and the idea is that the side effects are most important here. We can trigger warnings, raise errors, or write out logs when exceeding specified failure thresholds. The data just passes through the validation functions (some data in, the same data out).

Where would we do this? When importing data, for instance, we could pass the incoming data through a few validation functions, possibly with customized threshold levels set (by default, any test units failing will result in an error). We could also use a set of validation functions further down the script on transformed data as a QA/QC measure. If bad data quality might be ruinous for a downstream report (especially in an automated context), it's better to stop the process through pointblank validation tests and get to the heart of the matter. And, just like every workflow in pointblank, the target table can be a data frame or tibble, a database table (a tbl_dbi object), or a Spark DataFrame (a tbl_spark object, by way of the sparklyr package).

An Example of This Workflow

Let's adapt an example used in the VALID-I: Data Quality Reporting Workflow article to the pipeline data validation workflow:

small_table %>%
  col_is_posix(vars(date_time)) %>%
  col_vals_in_set(vars(f), set = c("low", "mid", "high")) %>%
  col_vals_lt(vars(a), value = 10) %>%
  col_vals_regex(vars(b), regex = "^[0-9]-[a-z]{3}-[0-9]{3}$") %>%
  col_vals_between(vars(d), left = 0, right = 5000)

In terms of the expressions used in the pipeline, you might notice that the create_agent() and interrogate() functions are absent. This is due to the secondary role of the validation functions, where they can operate directly and immediately on the data, acting as a sort of filter. If all validations in this pipeline pass (i.e., there are no failing test units in any of the validation steps), then the small_table data is returned. Otherwise, as it's currently written, a stoppage will occur on any such failure.

As it turns out, the above validation pipeline did result in an error. The stringent default threshold setting stops the evaluation of the pipeline at the point of failure (one or more test units failing). This, in turn, stops the running script (a key consideration if the script is deployed and automatically running on some sort of schedule). In this type of workflow we don't need to define those functions, pointblank will automatically do the sensible thing by stopping evaluation and providing a stock message. So, in the first instance of such a stoppage due to validation failing, R scripts will stop at that point and R Markdown documents will correspondingly cease to render.

Modifying the Behavior of Validation Failures

There are ways to counteract the stopping behavior seen in the previous example. In an R Markdown document, we could set the chunk option error = TRUE where we might expect an error to occur due to validation failure (allowing execution to continue no matter what happens). That's what was done for the small_table example in this very document, giving us the error message printed below the input. Another way is to disable evaluation at the step level is to use the active = FALSE option on every validation function that shouldn't be evaluated. This works for both R scripts and R Markdown documents but it is quite different since we can't determine whether a validation passed or failed since it doesn't actually perform the check (it simply skips it). It is useful, however, if you want to enable staged checks use data validations in a sort of 'debug mode' since global variables that are logical can be passed to the active argument in specific validation functions. Another strategy is to not stop() but instead warn().

Using warn_on_fail() and stop_on_fail() functions to generate simple action_levels

There are two helper functions that are convenient for this workflow: warn_on_fail() and stop_on_fail(). These functions return an action_levels object that either warns or stops, doing so with informative warning or error messages. The default failure threshold for each is set to 1: one fail unit means that the threshold for the WARN or FAIL condition will be met. The stop_on_fail() helper is (behind the scenes) applied by default when using validation functions in the VALID-II workflow. So, the previous example is exactly the same as this expanded form:

small_table %>%
    actions = stop_on_fail(stop_at = 1)
  ) %>%
    vars(f), set = c("low", "mid", "high"),
    actions = stop_on_fail(stop_at = 1)
  ) %>%
    vars(a), value = 10,
    actions = stop_on_fail(stop_at = 1)
  ) %>%
    vars(b), regex = "^[0-9]-[a-z]{3}-[0-9]{3}$",
    actions = stop_on_fail(stop_at = 1)
  ) %>%
    vars(d), left = 0, right = 5000,
    actions = stop_on_fail(stop_at = 1)

If we want to instead issue warnings, perhaps with less stringent failure thresholds in certain steps, the warn_on_fail() function provides a simple way to express this.

small_table %>%
    actions = warn_on_fail()
  ) %>%
    vars(f), set = c("low", "mid", "high"),
    actions = warn_on_fail(warn_at = 0.2)
  ) %>%
    vars(a), value = 10,
    actions = warn_on_fail(warn_at = 3)
  ) %>%
    vars(b), regex = "^[0-9]-[a-z]{3}-[0-9]{3}$",
    actions = warn_on_fail(warn_at = 0.2)
  ) %>%
    vars(d), left = 0, right = 5000,
    actions = warn_on_fail(warn_at = 1)

While warn_on_fail() and stop_on_fail() are handy ways to generate action_levels objects for the actions argument in every validation function, it doesn't provide a way to specify any actions. For that, we'll need to use the action_levels() function directly.

Using action_levels() for More Control

The action_levels() function can be as useful here as it is for the VALID-I workflow with an agent. The function creates an action_levels object which can have two roles: (1) specification of threshold failure levels for entering certain conditions (WARN, STOP, and NOTIFY), and (2) setting of actions (i.e., function calls to invoke) when entering a specific condition. The fns argument of action_levels() allows us to define those custom functions that are evaluated upon entering each of the three states (and this acts on the 'step' level, per each validation function).

Compared to the VALID-I workflow, which deals more with reporting, having actions triggered by failures in the VALID-II workflow is probably more useful and important. We can imagine a situation where an R script is deployed with data validation interspersed throughout. Depending on the deployment, we may desire a hard stop (affecting the downstream components), or, we may want a softer approach with warning and logging.

Let's try a hybrid approach where each of three available conditions have failure threshold levels set and an associated function to invoke. The functions to invoke at each condition can be whatever makes sense for the workflow (i.e., we don't have to issue warnings in the WARN condition if we want something else). Here, we will use a warning() for WARN, a stop() for STOP, and a logging function (log4r_step()) for NOTIFY. Here's how we might create such an action_levels object with action_levels():

al <- 
    warn_at = 0.1,
    stop_at = 0.2,
    notify_at = 0.3,
    fns = list(
      warn = ~ warning("WARN threshold exceeded."),
      stop = ~ stop("STOP threshold exceeded."),
      notify = ~ log4r_step(x)

Once we assigned the action_levels to an object (in this case, as al) we can print it to get a summary of the settings.

── The `action_levels` settings ────────────────────────────────────────────
WARN failure threshold of 0.1 of all test units.
\fns\ ~ warning("WARN threshold exceeded.")
STOP failure threshold of 0.2 of all test units.
\fns\ ~ stop("STOP threshold exceeded.")
NOTIFY failure threshold of 0.3 of all test units.
\fns\ ~ log4r_step(x)

Finally, we will apply this object to every validation function call in the expression (changed slightly to result in more test units failing).

small_table %>%
  col_is_posix(vars(date_time), actions = al) %>%
  col_vals_in_set(vars(f), set = c("low", "mid"), actions = al) %>%
  col_vals_lt(vars(a), value = 7, actions = al) %>%
  col_vals_regex(vars(b), regex = "^[0-9]-[a-w]{3}-[2-9]{3}$", actions = al) %>%
  col_vals_between(vars(d), left = 0, right = 4000, actions = al)

In addition to an error and a warning, the log4r_step() function used for the NOTIFY condition generates, in this case, a new "pb_log_file" text file for logs. We can examine it with readLines(); it has a single entry that relates to Step 1 (the col_vals_in_set() step):

FATAL [2020-11-09 00:23:48] Step 1 exceeded the NOTIFY failure threshold (f_failed = 0.46154) ['col_vals_in_set']

The log4r_step() function offered by pointblank is shown in examples and explained in more detail in the VALID-I: Data Quality Reporting Workflow article.

rich-iannone/pointblank documentation built on June 29, 2024, 4:09 p.m.