Introductory Data Visualization with ggplot {#intro_visualization_ggplot}


This chapter covers

In the previous chapter, it was proposed that data visualization is a useful process for generating insights. It is often necessary to transform data before it's ready for plotting, and, the dplyr functions we just learned about make those transformations possible. Now, we will learn about how to create beautiful and informative plots with ggplot (actually called ggplot2 but cited throughout this book more simply as ggplot). While ggplot provides functionality to create a wide selection of plot types, we will begin by focusing on a single type of plot: the scatterplot.

This book's package, edr, provides the input data we'll need to build our example plots. From that package the dmd dataset will be used (it's a simplified version of the diamonds dataset that is available in the ggplot package). Whenever we load in the edr package using library(edr), the dmd table will be available; you can verify this by executing dmd in the R console. This particular dataset has nearly 2,700 rows, one for each diamond and its attributes, and the following 6 variables:

For more information on this dataset, execute ?dmd in the RStudio console. A help page will appear.

Near the end of this chapter we will circle back to dplyr and learn how to modify our input data to make revisions to plots with ggplot. The lesson to be learned here is that data transformation and data visualization are common, intertwined tasks in a typical data analysis workflow. Because of that, we'll delve into how to effectively alternate between these activities during an exploratory data analysis.

Using ggplot to Create Plots

Through a number of simple examples with the dmd dataset, we'll develop an understanding of how to use ggplot to create very simple plots. The output plots will be presented above the code required to create each, and notes will be provided with each code listing.

Making Simple ggplot Scatterplots

Let's describe a simple scatterplot with the dmd variables carats (the weight of the diamond) and price (the price in US dollars). The very first instruction we'll provide is a ggplot() function call. This requires data (we'll use the dmd table as data), and, it also has an argument called mapping. We'll map carats to the x axis and price to the y axis, and this will be wrapped up inside the aes() object (aes stands for aesthetics). This last part implies that the axes to which data values are bound are aesthetic properties, and that's really how the Grammar of Graphics sees it (along with other aesthetic properties like the shape and color of marks). After running the code chunk, we'll get the plot shown as Figure \@ref(fig:gg-empty).

r edr::code_hints( "**CODE //** Making our first **ggplot**.", c( "#A This **ggplot** statement adds data and defines the ~~x~~ and ~~y~~ aesthetics. However, there is no layer that actually visualizes the data." ))

ggplot(data = dmd, mapping = aes(x = carats, y = price))  #A

(ref:gg-empty) Our first ggplot plot is... empty.

We might be surprised that what we see in Figure \@ref(fig:gg-empty) is essentially an empty plot. What we do have however are the plot axes (with values and labels), and you might notice that the ranges of the axis values encompass the extent of data (it's hard to know without seeing the data but this is indeed the case). To actually get the price vs. carats data points onto the plot, we have to add a geom—this stands for geometry—and, in this case, we will use geom_point(). This geom provides a method for plotting the data. Let's take a look at the new code and the resulting plot (Figure \@ref(fig:dmd-carats-price)).

r edr::code_hints( "**CODE //** Using ~~geom_point()~~ adds a layer of points.", c( "#A Same line as in the previous code; need to add a linking ~~+~~ sign.", "#B The ~~geom_point()~~ function makes all the difference here. It creates a layer of data points." ))

ggplot(data = dmd, mapping = aes(x = carats, y = price)) +  #A
  geom_point()  #B

(ref:dmd-carats-price) Our first ggplot plot... with data!

The plot indeed now has data points thanks to the use of geom_point()! There are a lot of geom functions in ggplot and all have the form geom_...() (e.g., geom_bar(), geom_boxplot(), geom_text(), etc.). Each geom essentially adds a layer to the plot.

.callout Note: In the plotting code for Figures \@ref(fig:gg-empty) and \@ref(fig:dmd-carats-price), notice that the two statements are joined by a +. This is different than the pipe operator (%>%) that was used to join together, or pipe, the dplyr statements in the last lesson. This is sometimes a point of confusion so always try to remember that ggplot exclusively uses + whereas every other package of the Tidyverse (and beyond) uses %>%. .callout

Let's unpack what's happening in the previous code listing just a bit more. The first line with ggplot() allows you to set default values that are passed down to later statements. So, geom_point() is receiving the data of dmd and also the aesthetics defined in the aes() object. We'll see in later examples that any values provided after the ggplot() statement will take precedence over the defaults (to convince ourselves fully, we'll need to go through those examples).

In looking at the relationship between diamond price (price) against the weight in carats (carats) in the above, it's easy to see a positive correlation between the two variables. When doing data exploration, we may also want to compare other pairs of variables to see what our data tells us. Since these types of plots only take two lines of code to generate, we can and should try to do enough exploration so that we get a better intuition on the data. So, let's try this again, but this time we'll use the numerical depth variable (a geometric measure of the diamond) in place of carats, giving us the plot in Figure \@ref(fig:dmd-carats-depth).

r edr::code_hints( "**CODE //** Using a different *y* value.", c( "#A This time, ~~y~~ is set to the ~~depth~~ variable." ))

ggplot(data = dmd, mapping = aes(x = carats, y = depth)) +  #A

(ref:dmd-carats-depth) Experimenting with different variables for x and y results in a different plot. It's not very informative but that's okay, we are learning.

While the variables in Figure \@ref(fig:dmd-carats-depth) do not show any correlation to each other, we can see that the depth measure is generally in the range of 55 to 70. This plot may not be of much importance, but the process of exploration will provide us with different viewpoints on our data. This feeling of discovery as we make many exploratory plots can be rewarding, and the speed at which we could make the plots incites more exploration into the data.

One of the great things about ggplot is that we have a quite a few aesthetic properties we could map to variables. Let's return to the price vs. carats comparison and map a shape aesthetic to a different variable in dmd: clarity. The clarity variable is discrete (or categorical), providing a one of three character-based values that qualitatively state how clear the diamond is Figure \@ref(fig:dmd-shape-for-clarity).

r edr::code_hints( "**CODE //** Using the ~~shape~~ aesthetic.", c( "#A We add the ~~shape~~ aesthetic, mapping it to the ~~clarity~~ variable." ))

  mapping = aes(x = carats, y = price, shape = clarity)  #A
) +

(ref:dmd-shape-for-clarity) Mapping an aesthetic other than x and y can show us how groupings of data interrelate.

Because we defined an additional aesthetic property by putting shape = clarity inside the aes() function, ggplot: (1) automatically maps data-point shapes to the different discrete values in the clarity column, (2) applies those shapes to each of the data points, and (3) draws a legend to describe the shape mappings for clarity. Here, we can see that the data points belonging to "The Best" clarity (square shape) generally yield the highest prices at a given weight compared to the other two descriptors (notice that the points labeled as "Fair" are further to the right).

We have plenty of options for modifying this plot. The large number of data points in the plot shows a fairly high degree of overplotting, and so it's harder to see where the data points are most concentrated. A common way to solve this visualization problem is to add transparency to the data points. We do this in ggplot by setting the alpha value in geom_point() to a relatively low value in the 0 to 1 scale. In our new code we will use alpha = 0.25 but if overplotting is more severe, lower values will often yield better results (Figure \@ref(fig:dmd-carats-price-alpha)).

r edr::code_hints( "**CODE //** Using the alpha argument in ~~geom_point()~~.", c( "#A Supplying an ~~alpha~~ value of ~~0.25~~ (in the range of ~~0~~–~~1~~) makes the points relatively transparent." ))

ggplot(dmd, mapping = aes(x = carats, y = price, shape = clarity)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.25)  #A

(ref:dmd-carats-price-alpha) The use of transparency (or, alpha) can alleviate the problems associated with a high degree of overplotting.

What if we simply wanted all the points to be of a specified color instead of the default opaque black? In this case, if we wanted to use gray50 as a color (it's a medium gray), we would need to add color = "gray50" inside of geom_point() and we also need to remove the color aesthetic (color = clarity) in the initial mapping. This results in uniformly gray data points in the output plot (Figure \@ref(fig:dmd-all-gray50-points)).

r edr::code_hints( "**CODE //** Setting a fixed color inside of ~~geom_point()~~.", c( "#A The ~~\"gray50\"~~ color is halfway between white and black; and, the higher the number, the lighter the gray." ))

ggplot(dmd, mapping = aes(x = carats, y = price)) +
  geom_point(color = "gray50")  #A

(ref:dmd-all-gray50-points) Setting all points to a specific color is possible and sometimes desirable.

The point geom can be used with quite a few aesthetics, these are:

The only way to get a feel for what's available in terms of the visual aesthetics is a series of examples that outline the plethora of options for each visual aesthetic. We'll cycle through some options for the color-related aesthetics (color, fill, and alpha) and the differentiation-related aesthetics (shape and size).

Let's start off with the example given in the next code listing, where price vs. carats is plotted (Figure \@ref(fig:dmd-aesthetics-1)). Here we are using the color aesthetic for cut and the shape aesthetic for clarity. These aesthetics are defined at the mapping argument of geom_point() (enclosed within aes()). The point geom needs data and the aesthetics x and y but it inherits those from the preceding ggplot() statement.

r edr::code_hints( "**CODE //** Using ~~color~~ and ~~shape~~ aesthetics.", c( "#A A total of four aesthetics are used here: ~~x~~, ~~y~~, ~~color~~, and ~~shape~~." ))

ggplot(dmd, aes(x = carats, y = price)) +  #A
  geom_point(mapping = aes(color = cut, shape = clarity))

(ref:dmd-aesthetics-1) Defining two visual aesthetics that give us data points with different colors and shapes.

There are two legends in Figure \@ref(fig:dmd-aesthetics-1) (both at the right), since we defined two aesthetics aside from x and y. We will see later that we can modify the legend position and the legend titles as well.

In the next code listing we will experiment with the alpha aesthetic, setting a low, fixed value for it.

r edr::code_hints( "**CODE //** Using the ~~size~~ aesthetic and a fixed ~~alpha~~.", c( "#A The small value for ~~alpha~~ (~~0.05~~) makes non-overlapping data points barely visible." ))

ggplot(dmd, aes(x = carats, y = price)) +
  geom_point(mapping = aes(size = depth), alpha = 0.05)  #A

(ref:dmd-aesthetics-2) Using a combination of the size aesthetic and a fixed alpha value.

Figure \@ref(fig:dmd-aesthetics-2) shows the same data as previous but uses the size aesthetic (mapping to depth) instead of color and shape (so, we're going back to the default dot shape). All points indiscriminately get an alpha value of 0.05 (0 is fully transparent, 1 is entirely opaque). Because the alpha aesthetic is given outside of the aes() object, we have no mapping to a data variable and that's why a numerical value is used.

Next, let's use nothing but fixed values for the color, fill, and shape aesthetics.

r edr::code_hints( "**CODE //** Supplying fixed values for ~~color~~, ~~fill~~, and ~~shape~~.", c( "#A The points\\' ~~color~~, ~~fill~~, and ~~shape~~ aesthetics are set manually." ))

ggplot(dmd, aes(x = carats, y = price)) +
  geom_point(color = "gray50", fill = "#AAAFEF", shape = 23)  #A

(ref:dmd-aesthetics-3) The use of fixed values for the color, fill, and shape aesthetics.

In Figure \@ref(fig:dmd-aesthetics-3), we see the effect of no aesthetics being provided in aes() other than the mandatory x and y. We are going manual here and setting fixed color, fill, and shape values. Note that due to the lack of visual aesthetic mappings, there is no legend.

Shapes are always provided as a number; shape 23 happens be one that accepts both a color and a fill aesthetic—this is less common among ggplot shape types. Given that we often need to know what colors and shapes are available, please refer to Appendix 1 where reference diagrams show all of the ggplot shapes and named colors.

.callout Note: For the fill aesthetic, a hexadecimal color name is provided (#AAAFEF). This is a great system for representing a huge range of colors but its understandably harder to memorize many colors this way. A good recommendation is to use a color picker to find a color you like and to retrieve the hex color code. Sites like or are helpful for this. .callout

Most of the aesthetics in previous examples were applied to categorical variables. Now let's have another look at the result of applying an aesthetic to a continuous variable: depth.

r edr::code_hints( "**CODE //** Applying the ~~color~~ aesthetic to the ~~depth~~ variable.", c( "#A Because the ~~depth~~ variable is numeric and continuous, we get a gradient of blue tones mapped to data points." ))

ggplot(dmd, aes(x = carats, y = price)) +
  geom_point(mapping = aes(color = depth, shape = clarity))  #A

(ref:dmd-aesthetics-4) Using the color aesthetic on a continuous variable results in the data points mapped to a gradient of colors.

In Figure \@ref(fig:dmd-aesthetics-4), we get the resulting plot from the four aesthetic mappings of x, y, color and shape. The shape of the data points is mapped to the discrete clarity variable and the color of the data points is mapped to the continuous depth variable (where brighter blues indicate higher values). As with Figure \@ref(fig:dmd-aesthetics-1) we get two legends here because there are two visual aesthetics mapped to data.

Facets and the Art of Faceting in ggplot

Facets are a way of splitting a single plot into multiple subplots. The splitting of the dataset is based on a grouping (or a combination of groups). In this way, we get a set of panels where each panel displays a different subset of the data. This is great for comparisons across groupings and, by default, each of the panels will have fixed coordinates (i.e., common scales: we can make easy comparisons of data point values across panels). There are two functions in ggplot that let us create faceted plots: facet_wrap() and facet_grid().

Faceting by One Variable

The diamonds described in the dmd dataset have discrete variables that are useful for faceting: color, cut, and clarity. What if we could make our plot of price vs. carats for each of the three cases of clarity (e.g., diamonds with Fair clarity in the first plot, and similarly diamonds with Great and The Best clarity in the second and third plots)? What if these plots could all appear together as a combined graphic? That there is faceting. So let's take the much earlier code used to create dmd_carats_price and apply the facet_wrap() function to facet by clarity, giving us Figure \@ref(fig:dmd-facet-clarity).

r edr::code_hints( "**CODE //** Using an additional statement with ~~facet_wrap()~~ gives us a faceted plot.", c( "#A The ~~facet_wrap()~~ function requires one or more variable names wrapped in ~~vars()~~." ))

ggplot(dmd, aes(x = carats, y = price)) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_wrap(facets = vars(clarity))  #A

(ref:dmd-facet-clarity) Faceting by a single categorical variable.

We can see a clear difference in pricing for similarly weighted diamonds between the "Fair" and "The Best" plots (labels are shown in the panel strips), and less of a difference in the pricing between the "Great" and "The Best" facets of clarity. Faceting makes these types of comparisons relatively easy.

If we were to make separate plots (being careful to filter the dataset by each unique value of clarity) they would likely all have different axis ranges, making it harder to compare data across those plots. Further to this, the plots wouldn't be positioned in a way that allows visually scan for differences and this in turn would slow down our analysis.

In the facets argument of facet_wrap(), we needed to wrap the variables we are faceting by in vars(). Because a different panel will be made for each unique value in the variable we provide to vars(), we have to remember to choose variables that don't have too many distinct values.

Faceting by Two Variables

We can choose to provide multiple variables to vars() and ggplot will handle the faceting of interactions between those variables. Let's extend the example that produced Figure \@ref(fig:dmd-facet-clarity) and incorporate the cut variable, which contains the same discrete values as clarity (Figure \@ref(fig:dmd-facet-cut-clarity)).

r edr::code_hints( "**CODE //** Faceting by two variables: ~~cut~~ and ~~clarity~~.", c( "#A The ~~vars()~~ function inside ~~facet_wrap()~~ needs variables to be separated by commas." ))

ggplot(dmd, aes(x = carats, y = price)) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_wrap(facets = vars(cut, clarity))  #A

(ref:dmd-facet-cut-clarity) Faceting by two categorical variables with facet_wrap().

The panel strips now show values for the cut and the clarity faceting variables. If we had instead used vars(clarity, cut), the ordering of panels would be different. In the above plot, the top-left panel shows the lowest-quality combination of clarity and cut and the panel at bottom-right provides a plot of the rarefied set of diamonds with the best clarity and cut.

The default appearance of the labels in the strips can make it difficult to distinguish the variables. In the next code listing we will use a nice option, which is labeller = label_both inside facet_wrap(). This will format the panel strip labels to include both the variable name and value for each panel (Figure \@ref(fig:dmd-facet-cut-clarity-labeller)).

r edr::code_hints( "**CODE //** Using the ~~labeller~~ function ~~label_both~~ to create informative labels for facets.", c( "#A The ~~label_both~~ function supplied to the labeller argument doesn\\'t need parentheses." ))

ggplot(dmd, aes(x = carats, y = price)) +
  geom_point() +
  facet_wrap(facets = vars(cut, clarity), labeller = label_both)  #A

(ref:dmd-facet-cut-clarity-labeller) Faceting by two categorical variables and making clearer which variables the labels belong to (by way of labeller = label_both).

The facet_wrap() way of faceting is to make a set of panels with a layout that is from left to right, top to bottom. By default, ggplot chooses the optimal layout depending on the number of panels but we can modify this by using the ncol and nrow arguments of facet_wrap(). Figure \@ref(fig:dmd-facet-cut-clarity-wide) provides an example where we make a wide layout by using nrow = 1.

r edr::code_hints( "**CODE //** We can specify the total number of rows of plot panels with the ~~nrow~~ argument.", c( "#A The ~~nrow~~ argument must be placed inside ~~facet_wrap()~~; the use of ~~ncol~~ (number of columns) is optional." ))

ggplot(dmd, aes(x = carats, y = price)) +
  geom_point() +
    facets = vars(cut, clarity),
    nrow = 1,  #A
    labeller = label_both

(ref:dmd-facet-cut-clarity-wide) We can influence the layout of panels by setting a value for nrow (we can optionally set a value for ncol as well).

Only one row of panels is generated. Be careful when there is a very large number of panels, as labels on the x axis may collide with one another. We can specify the number of columns (ncol) or the number of rows (nrow) in final layout. Interestingly, we can choose to supply a value to one or both of these arguments.

When faceting by two variables, the use of facet_grid() might result in a better appearance of panels. As the name of the function implies, panels are placed into a strict grid. The faceting variables provide the x and y positions of the panels. Let's rework the plot to the grid layout to demonstrate this. The changes to make are to use facet_grid() instead of facet_wrap() and, within that, use the rows and cols arguments (both with vars()) to tell ggplot which faceting variables should run across rows or columns (Figure \@ref(fig:dmd-facet-cut-clarity-grid)).

r edr::code_hints( "**CODE //** Using ~~facet_grid()~~ provides a slightly different visualization of the faceted plot panels.", c( "#A Instead of the optional ~~nrow~~ and ~~ncol~~ arguments of ~~facet_wrap()~~, we have the required arguments of ~~rows~~ and ~~cols~~ (each requires variables placed inside ~~vars()~~)." ))

ggplot(dmd, aes(x = carats, y = price)) +
  geom_point(alpha = 0.2) +
    rows = vars(cut), cols = vars(clarity),  #A
    labeller = label_both

(ref:dmd-facet-cut-clarity-grid) Faceting by two categorical variables with facet_grid().

This arrangement makes is slightly easier to see that the rows of plots represent different values of cut. The choice in whether to use facet_grid() over facet_wrap() is often a matter of taste or practicality. When faceting by a single variable, facet_wrap() might be the best way. If there are two faceting variables, try both facet_wrap() and facet_grid() and then make a call on which approach to faceting works best for that case. Until you develop a better feel for how these faceting options work, don't be afraid to experiment with both functions.

Working with labels and titles

Through most of the ggplot examples we've worked through up to this point, default text was applied to plot elements such as the axis labels and the legend titles. While this is certainly convenient and sufficient for most exploratory plots, we may want to customize the text elements for the purpose of presentation and more effective communication.

Most label customization can be done using the labs() function, so, let's make a plot with labels of our own choosing (Figure \@ref(fig:plot-new-labs)). The general construction is to add several [aesthetic name] = "[label name]" name-value pairs, separated by commas, inside labs().

r edr::code_hints( "**CODE //** The ~~labs()~~ function gives us the opportunity to provide our own labels for different plot elements.", c( "#A All of the label text needs to be put in quotes." ))

ggplot(dmd, mapping = aes(x = carats, y = price)) +
  geom_point(mapping = aes(shape = clarity)) +
    x = "Weight of the Diamond (carats)",  #A
    y = "Price (USD)", 
    shape = "Diamond Clarity" 

(ref:plot-new-labs) Replacement of default labels in the plot axis and legend titles with labs().

Let's further augment our plot with a title and a caption. These elements are very useful for communicating what the plot is showing and for providing extra details which can be important for the intended audience. The text elements of title and subtitle can be used to add a descriptive title and subtitle above the plot. Should we need to further describe aspects of the plot, a caption (which appears below the plot) can be used. Figure \@ref(fig:plot-labs-titles) provides an example that shows all of these textual elements.

r edr::code_hints( "**CODE //** We can specify the plot\'s ~~title~~, ~~subtitle~~, and ~~caption~~ inside ~~labs()~~ as well.", c( "#A,#B,#C These label elements adorn the top and bottom of the plot.", "#D,#E These are the axis labels.", "#F This label is for the legend. It refers to the shape aesthetic used in ~~geom_point()~~." ))

ggplot(dmd, mapping = aes(x = carats, y = price)) +
  geom_point(mapping = aes(shape = clarity)) +
    title = "The Relationship Between Diamond Weight on Price",  #A
    subtitle = "Quality of diamond clarity is indicated by shape",  #B
    caption = "Data taken from the `dmd` dataset",  #C
    x = "Weight of the Diamond (carats)",  #D
    y = "Price (USD)",  #E
    shape = "Diamond Clarity"  #F

(ref:plot-labs-titles) Replacement of default labels and the addition of a title, subtitle, and a caption. All with labs().

Adding linebreaks to long labels: Should we need to add line breaks because a label is too long for a single line, one or more linebreak characters (\n) can be inserted into the label text (e.g., color = "Diamond\nCut").

The plot in Figure \@ref(fig:plot-labs-titles) is very presentable and wouldn't be out of place in a presentation or a report. The usage of the title, subtitle, and caption elements is entirely up to you. Experiment with using them in different situations and develop your own style!

Modifying the Location of Legends

The placement of legends is a common customization. While the default placement on the right is reasonable, you might find that placing legends below the plot can be more aesthetically pleasing. The customization of legend placement is done with the theme() function. This function actually allows one to modify virtually any component in the plot, and it has a huge number of arguments. While we won't go into depth on setting themes or getting a handle on theme customization until later in the book, we'll simply use the theme() function with the legend.position and legend.justification arguments to provide a few handy methods related to legend placement.

Let's start with a basic plot on which to base future examples by including the theme(legend.position = "right") statement. The resulting plot is shown as Figure \@ref(fig:plot-legend-right).

r edr::code_hints( "**CODE //** Using the ~~legend.position~~ argument of ~~theme()~~ to put the legend to the right of the plot.", c( "#A The ~~theme()~~ function has a lot of options. The ~~legend.position~~ option allows us to place the legend in one of four different areas." ))

ggplot(dmd, aes(x = carats, y = price)) +
  geom_point(aes(shape = clarity)) +
  labs(shape = "Clarity") +
  theme(legend.position = "right")  #A

(ref:plot-legend-right) Putting the legend to the right (this is the default placement).

The plotting code in the previous listing includes the theme(legend.position = "right") statement, however, it doesn't really need this statement since legend.position = "right" is the default (we see this throughout the plots we made). Nonetheless, this example provides a useful template for understanding how this argument works within theme().

The legend can be put in other locations. The plotting code can be revised to place the legend at the "bottom" of the plot.

r edr::code_hints( "**CODE //** Using the ~~legend.position~~ argument of ~~theme()~~ to put the legend below the plot.", c( "#A Setting the legend position to the bottom creates a horizontal layout, which presents well if the legend doesn\'t have too many items." ))

ggplot(dmd, aes(x = carats, y = price)) +
  geom_point(aes(shape = clarity)) +
  labs(shape = "Clarity") +
  theme(legend.position = "bottom")  #A

(ref:plot-legend-bottom) Putting the legend at the bottom.

By using "bottom" instead of "right" for legend.position, we see that the legend is at the bottom. We can also use the values "top" and "left" to place the legend at the top or to the left.

Using the legend.justification argument in theme() we can have the legend vertically justified to the "top" of the plot.

r edr::code_hints( "**CODE //** Use the ~~legend.justification~~ argument of ~~theme()~~ to justify the legend toward the top of the visualization.", c( "#A Here, the legend position is to the right (that\'s the default position). We can justify the legend to the top of the visualization with ~~legend.justification~~." ))

ggplot(dmd, aes(x = carats, y = price)) +
  geom_point(aes(shape = clarity)) +
  labs(shape = "Clarity") +
  theme(legend.justification = "top")  #A

(ref:plot-legend-just-top) Default legend position to the right but justified to the top.

Other values can be used, like "bottom", "left", and "right". We can also combine positioning and justification by providing values to both legend.position and legend.justification. One use of that (not shown, but looks great) is theme(legend.position = "bottom", legend.justification = "right").

But what if we don't want the legend at all? This is sometimes the case and it's not very obvious how we might hide our legend. The thing to do here is to use theme(legend.position = "none"). Then, the legend disappears as we can see in Figure \@ref(fig:plot-no-legend).

r edr::code_hints( "**CODE //** Using the ~~legend.position~~ argument of ~~theme()~~ to remove the legend entirely.", c( "#A There are instances where we don\'t want or need the legend. To do that, we set ~~legend.position~~ to ~~\"none\"~~." ))

ggplot(dmd, aes(x = carats, y = price)) +
  geom_point(aes(shape = clarity)) +
  labs(shape = "Clarity") +
  theme(legend.position = "none")  #A

(ref:plot-no-legend) A plot with no legend at all.

In this example code, there are still labels defined for the nonexistent legend in labs() but it's okay to leave them in without worrying about an error.

Modifying Your Dataset, Plotting... and Modifying Again

Your data may not have exactly what you'd like to plot. It's a reality that's all too common but we can do something about since we learned the basics of dplyr. We will make some transformations to the dmd table to make a plot we otherwise couldn't before. Before showing the actual transformation statements, let's have a look at the plan and rationale for the work.

Suppose we would like to have a new measure that provides the value of a diamond by weight. This is a simple calculation that divides the price of a diamond by its number of carats (price / carats). The new cost per carat variable (cpc) can be easily added to the dmd table by using dplyr's mutate() function by taking dmd and piping it to mutate(): dmd %>% mutate(cpc = price / carats).

Now that we have the cpc variable, taken as a better measure of the worth of a diamond based on its qualities, we can divide the entire set of diamonds into two price classes: those with higher cpc than the median cpc value, and those that are lower. We won't describe in detail how to get the median cpc value, so we'll accept that it is around $3,460 per carat. Within our second mutate() statement, we will use ifelse() to get a new price_class variable. The next listing provides the code that takes the dataset and applies both mutate() statements to dmd and assigns the result to dmd_mod.

r edr::code_hints( "**CODE //** Modifying ~~dmd~~ to obtain two new columns: ~~cpc~~ and ~~price_class~~.", c( "#A This ~~mutate()~~ statement creates the ~~cpc~~ column...", "#B ...while this ~~mutate()~~ call makes the ~~price_class~~ column." ))

dmd_mod <- 
  dmd %>%
  mutate(cpc = price / carats) %>%  #A
  mutate(price_class = ifelse(  #B
    cpc >= 3460, "Above Median", "Below Median")

We haven't yet used mutate() with ifelse() so let's examine this more closely. The ifelse() statement used here checks every row of the table for whether cpc is greater than or equal to 3460. For each row where that statement is true, the value in the new price_class column will be given "Above Median". If not true, then the value will be "Below Median".

For our third and final mutate(), we will suppose that diamonds with cut and clarity labeled as The Best should be high-quality diamonds, and thus fetch higher prices. Another ifelse() is to be used within the mutate() statement, creating a new variable called quality. The following listing augments the earlier code with a third mutate().

r edr::code_hints( "**CODE //** A third and final ~~mutate()~~ statement to add the ~~quality~~ column to our modified dataset (~~dmd_mod~~).", c( "#A The third ~~mutate()~~ statement (that creates the quality column) is pretty long so it\\'s broken across a few lines for better readability" ))

dmd_mod <- 
  dmd %>%
  mutate(cpc = price / carats) %>%
  mutate(price_class = ifelse(
    cpc >= 3460, "Above Median", "Below Median")
  ) %>%
  mutate(quality = ifelse(  #A
    cut == "The Best" & clarity == "The Best",
    "Top Drawer", "The Rest"

In the code listing, we are using ifelse() within the third mutate() statement to check for the dual condition of both cut and clarity being equal to "The Best". Those diamonds for which the statement is true will have a price_class that is "Top Drawer". Otherwise, all other diamonds will get a label of "The Rest".

Once we have modified dmd and assigned the results to a new object called dmd_mod, we can make a different type of plot that uses the newly-created variables of price_class and quality. Faceting will be done on the price vs. carats plot, using the new variables in the facet_wrap() statement to create a 2-by-2 plot that compares data points by two quality categories and two price categories (Figure \@ref(fig:dmd-modified-dplyr-ggplot)).

r edr::code_hints( "**CODE //** Modifying ~~dmd~~ to add three new columns, and, plotting ~~dmd_mod~~ with the new variables.", c( "#A This **ggplot** code uses the new variables when faceting (~~price_class~~ and ~~quality~~).", "#B " ))

dmd_mod <-  #A
  dmd %>%
  mutate(cpc = price / carats) %>%
  mutate(price_class = ifelse(cpc >= 3460, "Above Median", "Below Median")) %>%
  mutate(quality = ifelse(
    cut == "The Best" & clarity == "The Best", "Top Drawer", "The Rest")

ggplot(dmd_mod, aes(x = carats, y = price)) +  #B
  geom_point() +
    facets = vars(price_class, quality),
    labeller = label_both
  ) +
  labs(x = "Carats", y = "Price")

(ref:dmd-modified-dplyr-ggplot) Modifying data with dplyr; plotting it with ggplot.

Moving between data transformation activities and plotting with ggplot like this is often valuable for better expressing the data you have to an audience, or, for exploring the data and getting insightful views that were otherwise hidden. Getting to a stage where you can rapidly translate your analysis/visualization needs to raw dplyr & ggplot code is worth the effort and understandably takes some practice.

Other readily-available datasets: There are many other datasets available in R where you could practice working in this closed loop of transforming and visualizing. Here are a few:

All of these datasets consist of tables and are easily accessible in R by their names.



  1. When you are creating a new R Markdown document for visualization with ggplot, what R statement should be written (and executed) before any plotting?

  2. What is the first function that should use when making a ggplot plot?

  3. Three mini-questions about aes(): (a) What does aes stand for?, (b) Can we leave out the mapping = part before the aes() object?, and (c) What goes inside of the aes() object?

  4. The following two statements can produce exactly the same plot: (1) ggplot(data = dmd, mapping = aes(x = carats, y = price)) + geom_point(), (2) ggplot() + geom_point(data = dmd, mapping = aes(x = carats, y = price)). If they are different statements, why do they produce the same plot?

  5. How would you modify the ggplot code (ggplot(data = dmd, mapping = aes(x = carats, y = price)) + geom_point()) to ensure that all points are colored "red"?

  6. What is the difference in the between these two sets of statements? (1) ggplot(dmd, aes(x = carats, y = price, color = depth)) + geom_point(), (2) ggplot(dmd, aes(x = carats, y = price)) + geom_point(color = "blue"). What effect does this difference have on the plots they generate and why do these plotting differences occur?

  7. What types of colors can be supplied to color if we are not using color inside aes()?

  8. The geom_point() function requires two aesthetics to absolutely be defined (either directly within geom_point() or within the ggplot() function). What are their names?

  9. What would the plot look like if you were to use the plotting code: ggplot(data = dmd, mapping = aes(x = carats, y = price)) + geom_point(mapping = aes(size = price))?

  10. When faceting with facet_wrap() or facet_grid(), what is the function that we need to wrap the data's column names in?

  11. When using facet_wrap(), which arguments allow us to control the number of panel rows and panel columns?

  12. In one of the ggplot examples we used alpha = 0.2. What is the effect of using alpha = 0.0?

  13. What single ggplot function can we use to relabel legend titles and to provide a plot title?

  14. Suppose we were to write the following plotting code: ggplot(data = dmd, mapping = aes(x = carats, y = price)) + geom_point(mapping = aes(color = depth)) + labs(color = "Depth") + labs(title = "Price vs. Carats"). Is it okay to use two labs() statements like that?

  15. How would you rewrite the plotting code in Q14 so that the shape of each data point is an open (non-filled) diamond?

  16. How does one remove all legends from a plot?

  17. Rewrite the plotting code in Q14 so both of these things are accomplished: (1) placing the legend to the left of the plot area, and (2) justifying the legend components to the bottom of the plot area.

  18. When using labs() to add labels to a plot, are we able to use a subtitle and without specifying a title?

  19. We've seen in the lesson's examples that using facet_grid() with single variables in rows and cols produces a 2D grid of panels. What happens if we use two variables in either rows or cols? The following plotting code has this very thing: ggplot(dmd, aes(x = carats, y = price)) + geom_point() + facet_grid(rows = vars(color, cut), cols = vars(clarity)).

  20. Try running the following plotting code: ggplot(dmd, aes(x = carats, y = price)) + geom_point(aes(shape = depth)). It results in an error. Why do you think this error occurs? What can be done instead?

Possible Answers

  1. A library statement should ideally come first and be executed first. This could be library(tidyverse) (or library(ggplot2) if you know you just want to use functions from ggplot).

  2. The first function should be ggplot().

  3. Answers to the three mini-questions about aes(): a. The aes stands for aesthetics. b. Yes, we can leave out the argument name mapping. We can even leave out the argument name data. We just need to make sure that the data object is placed first in the function body and that aes() comes next. These statements create a valid plot: ggplot(dmd, aes(x = carats, y = price)) + geom_point() c. Inside aes() we have aesthetic mappings (and indeed the aes() object is required after mapping =). Aesthetic mappings are name-value pairs where data column names are assigned to aesthetics such as x, y, color, size, etc.

  4. Both pieces of plotting code are functionally equivalent because the ggplot() function provides defaults for data and mapping to any subsequent functions that require them. In statement (1) these objects are inherited by the geom_point() layer, in statement (2) these objects are created in and used directly by the geom_point() layer.

  5. To get all points in red, one must ensure that color = "red" is given in geom_point() and that it is not inside aes(). This is the plotting code: ggplot(data = dmd, mapping = aes(x = carats, y = price)) + geom_point(color = "red").

  6. The difference lies in how we are using the color argument. In statement (1) color is used inside of aes() and so we are allowed to map a variable to it (each data point's color varies according to the value of depth). In statement (2) we are using color outside of aes() and providing a single value of "blue" thus making all of the plotted data points appear blue.

  7. When using color outside of aes() we can provide a color name (e.g., "red", "blue", "green") or a hexadecimal color code (e.g., "#EFEFEF", etc.).

  8. The required aesthetics for geom_point() are x and y. (All other aesthetics for geom_point() will receive default values if not provided.)

  9. The size of the data points would become larger as price increases. Also, a legend is displayed for price (to the right of the plot area).

  10. We must wrap column names in vars() when using facet_wrap() or facet_grid().

  11. We can use nrow to specify the number of rows of panels. We can use ncol to specify the number of columns of panels.

  12. With alpha = 0.0, all points in the geom (we used geom_point() in the previous examples) would be fully transparent, or, invisible.

  13. The ggplot function for working with labels is labs().

  14. It definitely OK to use multiple labs() statements. The end result is additive, and these statements don't overwrite previous ones.

  15. We need to define a constant shape aesthetic to overwrite the default constant shape. The open diamond is shape 5, so the revised plotting code for this is: ggplot(data = dmd, mapping = aes(x = carats, y = price)) + geom_point(mapping = aes(color = depth), shape = 5) + labs(color = "Depth") + labs(title = "Price vs. Carats").

  16. Removal of all plot legends can be accomplished through the use of theme(legend.position = “none”).

  17. We can rewrite the plotting code like this: ggplot(data = dmd, mapping = aes(x = carats, y = price)) + geom_point(mapping = aes(color = depth), shape = 5) + labs(color = "Depth") + labs(title = "Price vs. Carats") + theme(legend.position = "left", legend.justification = "bottom").

  18. It is possible use subtitle without using a title in a plot! The sizing of the it will be the same as a subtitle that's used with a title.

  19. What we get if we run the plotting code is rows of panels that incorporate combinations of color and cut values in the strip titles, and, columns of clarity facets. Additionally, we can see that some of the subplots are empty because the data doesn't have all combinations of color, cut, and clarity.

  20. The error message we get from this plotting code reads Error: A continuous variable can not be mapped to shape. Because the depth variable encompasses a range of values, it is considered to be continuous. Since we have limited numbers of shapes and its inherently difficult to map shapes on continuous scale, ggplot cannot construct a plot. One option is to map depth to a different visual aesthetic like color or size. Another option is to use dplyr to first modify the dataset by generating a categorical variable based on depth.

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