

Filename | Source ----------------------------------|----------------------------------- kyte.doolittle.scale.Rdata |Kyte, Jack, and Russell F. Doolittle. "A simple method for displaying the hydropathic character of a protein." Journal of molecular biology 157.1 (1982): 105-132. journal.pone.0136417.s005-1.xlsx|Schellens, Ingrid MM, et al. "Comprehensive analysis of the naturally processed peptide repertoire: differences between HLA-A and B in the immunopeptidome." PloS one 10.9 (2015): e0136417. S1 Table. List of peptide sequences. . Use get_schellens_et_al_2015_sup_1 to obtain that table non-TMH-Bcell-elution.txt |Modified from journal.pone.0136417.s005-1.xlsx TMH-Bcell-elution.txt |Modified from journal.pone.0136417.s005-1.xlsx

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