
Branch|Travis CI logo ---|--- master|Build Status develop|Build Status

This GitHub is part of * the Travis C++ Tutorial * the Travis R Tutorial

The goal of this project is to have a clean Travis CI build, with specs: * Build system: qmake * C++ compiler: gcc * C++ version: C++98 * Libraries: STL and Rcpp * Code coverage: none * Source: one single file, main.cpp

Less complex builds: * Use STL only: travis_qmake_gcc_cpp98 * No Rcpp: travis_r_minimal


This setup allows for independent C++ and R development. The C++ function do_magic_cpp is used by both the C++ project and the R package.

The C++ project

Note that the C++ code is not tested directly. The R package does this.

The R package

richelbilderbeek/travis_qmake_gcc_cpp98_rcpp documentation built on Sept. 5, 2019, 6:15 p.m.