github_release_create: Create a github release

Description Usage Arguments Details

View source: R/github_release.R


Create a github release for your package. This tries very hard to do the right thing but it's not always straightforward. It first looks for your package. Then it will work out what your last commit was (if target is NULL), the version of the package (from the DESCRIPTION). It then creates a release on GitHub with the appropriate version number and uploads the file filename to the release. The version number in the DESCRIPTION must be greater than the highest version number on GitHub.


github_release_create(info, description = NULL, filenames = NULL,
  target = NULL, ignore_dirty = FALSE, yes = !interactive())



Result of running github_release_info


Optional text description for the release. If this is omitted then GitHub will display the commit message from the commit that the release points at.


Target of the release. This can be either the name of a branch (e.g., master, origin/master), existing tag without a current release or an SHA of a commit. It is an error if the commit that this resolves to locally is not present on GitHub (e.g., if your branch is ahead of GitHub). Push first!


Ignore non-checked in files? By default, your repository is expected to be in a clean state, though files not known to git are ignored (as are files that are ignored by git). But you must have no uncommited changes or staged but uncommited files.


Skip the confirmation prompt? Only prompts if interactive.


Filename to upload; optional if in info. If listed in info, filename can be different but the file will be renamed to info$filename on uploading. If given but not in info, the uploaded file will be basename(filename) (i.e., the directory will be stripped).


This function requires a system git to be installed and on the path. The version does not have to be particularly recent.

This function also requires the GITHUB_TOKEN environment variable to be set, and for the token to be authorised to have write access to your repositories.

richfitz/dataverse documentation built on July 9, 2021, 12:08 p.m.