
Defines functions decrypt_file decrypt_string decrypt_object decrypt_data encrypt_file encrypt_string encrypt_object encrypt_data

Documented in decrypt_data decrypt_file decrypt_object decrypt_string encrypt_data encrypt_file encrypt_object encrypt_string

##' Encrypt and decrypt raw data, objects, strings and files.  The
##' core functions here are `encrypt_data` and
##' `decrypt_data` which take raw data and decrypt it, writing
##' either to file or returning a raw vector.  The other functions
##' encrypt and decrypt arbitrary R objects (`encrypt_object`,
##' `decrypt_object`), strings (`encrypt_string`,
##' `decrypt_string`) and files (`encrypt_file`,
##' `decrypt_file`).
##' @title Encrypt and decrypt data and other things
##' @param data (for `encrypt_data`, `decrypt_data`,
##'   `decrypt_object`, `decrypt_string`) a raw vector with
##'   the data to be encrypted or decrypted.  For the decryption
##'   functions this must be data derived by encrypting something or
##'   you will get an error.
##' @param object (for `encrypt_object`) an arbitrary R object to
##'   encrypt.  It will be serialised to raw first (see
##'   [serialize]).
##' @param string (for `encrypt_string`) a scalar character
##'   vector to encrypt.  It will be converted to raw first with
##'   [charToRaw].
##' @param path (for `encrypt_file`) the name of a file to
##'   encrypt.  It will first be read into R as binary (see
##'   [readBin]).
##' @param dest The destination filename for the encrypted or
##'   decrypted data, or `NULL` to return a raw vector.  This is
##'   not used by `decrypt_object` or `decrypt_string` which
##'   always return an object or string.
##' @param key A `cyphr_key` object describing the encryption approach
##'   to use.
##' @export
##' @examples
##' key <- key_sodium(sodium::keygen())
##' # Some super secret data we want to encrypt:
##' x <- runif(10)
##' # Convert the data into a raw vector:
##' data <- serialize(x, NULL)
##' data
##' # Encrypt the data; without the key above we will never be able to
##' # decrypt this.
##' data_enc <- encrypt_data(data, key)
##' data_enc
##' # Our random numbers:
##' unserialize(decrypt_data(data_enc, key))
##' # Same as the never-encrypted version:
##' x
##' # This can be achieved more easily using `encrypt_object`:
##' data_enc <- encrypt_object(x, key)
##' identical(decrypt_object(data_enc, key), x)
##' # Encrypt strings easily:
##' str_enc <- encrypt_string("secret message", key)
##' str_enc
##' decrypt_string(str_enc, key)
encrypt_data <- function(data, key, dest = NULL) {
  if (!is.raw(data)) {
    stop("Expected a raw vector; consider serialize(data, NULL)")
  assert_is(key, "cyphr_key")
  res <- key$encrypt(data)
  if (is.null(dest)) {
  } else {
    writeBin(res, dest)

##' @export
##' @rdname encrypt_data
##' @param rds_version RDS serialisation version to use (see
##'   [serialize].  The default in R version 3.3 and below is version
##'   2 - in the R 3.4 series version 3 was introduced and is becoming
##'   the default.  Version 3 format serialisation is not understood
##'   by older versions so if you need to exchange data with older R
##'   versions, you will need to use `rds_version = 2`.  The default
##'   argument here (`NULL`) will ensure the same serialisation is
##'   used as R would use by default.
encrypt_object <- function(object, key, dest = NULL, rds_version = NULL) {
  encrypt_data(serialize(object, NULL, version = rds_version), key, dest)

##' @export
##' @rdname encrypt_data
encrypt_string <- function(string, key, dest = NULL) {
  if (!(is.character(string) && length(string) == 1L)) {
    stop("'string' must be a scalar character")
  encrypt_data(charToRaw(string), key, dest)

##' @export
##' @rdname encrypt_data
encrypt_file <- function(path, key, dest = NULL) {
  encrypt_data(read_binary(path), key, dest)

##' @export
##' @rdname encrypt_data
decrypt_data <- function(data, key, dest = NULL) {
  assert_is(key, "cyphr_key")
  if (is.character(data)) {
    if (file.exists(data)) {
      data <- read_binary(data)
    } else {
      stop("If given as a character string, data must be a file that exists")
  res <- key$decrypt(data)
  if (is.null(dest)) {
  } else {
    writeBin(res, dest)

##' @export
##' @rdname encrypt_data
decrypt_object <- function(data, key) {
  unserialize(decrypt_data(data, key, NULL))

##' @export
##' @rdname encrypt_data
decrypt_string <- function(data, key) {
  rawToChar(decrypt_data(data, key, NULL))

##' @export
##' @rdname encrypt_data
decrypt_file <- function(path, key, dest = NULL) {
  decrypt_data(read_binary(path), key, dest)
richfitz/encryptr documentation built on Aug. 23, 2023, 8:08 a.m.