{r echo = FALSE, results = "hide"} prepare <- function(code) { file <- tempfile(fileext = ".c") writeLines(code, file) writeLines(c("c", code, "```")) file }

This package provides a thin wrapper around `R CMD SHLIB`.  It is
aimed at people who need to create shared libraries
programmatically from R, and may be particularly useful on Windows
machines where R is not in the `PATH`.  It is heavily influenced by
[Gabor Csardi](https://github.com/gaborcsardi)'s excellent
[rcmdcheck](https://github.com/MangoTheCat/rcmdcheck) package.

Comapred with running `R CMD check` directly from the command line,
or via `system`, `rcmdcheck` provides:

* ability to suppress compiler output unless there are warnings or errors
* detection of compilation failure, with sensible conversion into an R
* detection of compilation *warnings*, with conversion into R warnings
* colour coded output on ANSI compatible terminals (via
* an object that holds the results of compilation that can be inspected

The package provides only two functions.

The `can_compile` function tries to compile a very simple program
to determine if the compilation environment is feasible:
``` {r }

It caches its result within a session so carries little cost to use.

The shlib function takes a vector of filenmaes and creates a shared library (.so or .dll) with them.

``` {r echo = FALSE, results = "asis"} file <- prepare(c("#include ", "#include ", "SEXP add2(SEXP a, SEXP b) {", " return ScalarReal(REAL(a)[0] + REAL(b)[0]);", "}"))

This file is stored in the temporary file `r file`
``` {r }

Compile the file; this will print to the screen compilation output unless you pass in verbose = FALSE

res <- rcmdshlib::shlib(file)

The res object here is a list with two elements: $dll contains the full path to the created shared library:


And $output contains the compilation output (which is an object of class compiler_output which has custom format and print methods defined in the shlib package).


If the compilation failed, then even when verbose = FALSE you'll get an error: ``` {r echo = FALSE, results = "asis"} file_error <- prepare(c("#include ", "SEXP add2(SEXP a, SEXP b) {", " return ScalarReal(REAL(a)[0] + REAL(b)[0]);", "}"))

``` {r echo = TRUE, error = TRUE}
res2 <- rcmdshlib::shlib(file_error, verbose = TRUE)

This is thrown as an R error so can be detected with try, etc.

The shlib function has options for controlling how compiler output, warnings and errors are translated to R conditions:

richfitz/rcmdshlib documentation built on May 27, 2019, 8:25 a.m.