  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Some R users run code that takes a long time to process. To notify users when code is done execuing, the beepr package is a great tool that plays a sound on the computer.

In the spirit of beepr::beep(), this package provides a single function called textme() that sends you a text message the instant a long-running job completes. This allows you to leave your computer while running code, and know exactly when to return.

This package relies on Twilio to send text messages. Presently, free trial accounts are avaialble. Sign up for a twilio account here.

On the user dashboard, take note of three pieces of information:

You only need to set these variables once. Afterward, they are stored in the .Renviron file of your home directory. To store these variables, use tm_configure(). It is recommended that you set a target phone number as well--this should be your phone number, where you want to receive text messages.


# replace the values here with your own
tm_configure(twilio_sid   = "AC1ffb4919a0f0720787954c0214bde131",
             twilio_token = "f5c8daf3e8904b9af81dda09f975c369",
             twilio_phone_number = "1234567890",
             target_phone_number = "0987654321")

Once you've configured your environment, you should be able to send a text message. In future sessions, you don't need to re-configure anything. You should be able to simply run textme() and R will load your stored SID, token, and phone numbers.


To send a custom message, simply supply a message argument:

textme(message = "My custom message.")

To send a message to another number, supply a new target_phone_number:

textme(target_phone_number = "1112223333")

richpauloo/textme documentation built on Aug. 13, 2020, 3:11 p.m.