Man pages for rickwargo/lrequire
Sources an R "Module" with Caching & Encapsulation, Returning Exported Vars

append.module.pathsAppend/Insert a path into module.paths, similar to append()
find.first.RReturns the path of the first found instance of 'module' in...
get.module.cacheReturns the current file cache
get.module.pathsGet existing collection of search paths of where to look for...
hide.not.found.warningsGlobally hide warnings when modules are not found
lrequireSources an R module with optional caching for subsequent...
remove.from.module.cacheRemoves module from cache, applying same logic as...
remove.module.pathsRemove one or more paths from 'module.paths'
reset.module.cacheResets the module cache, ensuring files are loaded on next...
show.module.cachePrints the current file cache
show.not.found.warningsGlobally show warnings when modules are not found
rickwargo/lrequire documentation built on May 27, 2019, 8:48 a.m.