# do not add any code
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
# load some libraries

# get all the information/data
qc_results <- params$qc_results
lipid_data <- params$lipid_data
lipid_data_long <- params$lipid_data_long
lipid_data_filter <- params$lipid_data_filter
rsd_cutoff <- params$rsd_cutoff
show_analysis <- params$show_analysis
analysis_data <- params$analysis_data
heatmap_input <- params$heatmap_input
test_input <- params$test_input



Overall overview RSD values. Lipids above the threshold of r rsd_cutoff are excluded.

show_rsd_histogram(qc_data = qc_results,
                   rsd = rsd_cutoff)

RSD values per lipid class.

# get the number of lipid class and use this to calculate the height of the violin plot
fig_height_lipid_class <- ceiling(length(unique(qc_results$LipidClass)) / 4)
show_rsd_lipidclass_violin(qc_data = qc_results,
                           rsd = rsd_cutoff)

Quick comparison between the samples.

# get the number of samples to calculate the height of the correlation heatmap
fig_height_cor_heatmap <- ceiling(length(unique(lipid_data_long$sample_name)) / 5)
cor_heatmap(lipid_data = lipid_data)

Identification {.tabset}


Below on overview of the lipids excluded from the analysis.

lipid_data_filter %>%
  select(-sample_type) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = my_id:carbon_db,
              names_from = sample_name,
              values_from = area) %>%
  filter(keep == FALSE,
         class_keep == TRUE) %>%
  select(my_id, ion, LipidName, LipidClass, -scale_DotProduct, -scale_RevDotProduct, -polarity, comment) %>%
           .keep_all = TRUE) %>% 
  mutate(comment = case_when(
    comment == "no_match" ~ "Not a convicing match",
    comment == "large_rsd" ~ "High RSD value",
    comment == "wrong_rt" ~ "Wrong retention time",
    comment == "high_bg" ~ "High background",
    TRUE ~ comment
  )) %>% 
  arrange(LipidName) %>% 
  datatable(caption = "Table 1: Overview of lipids excluded from further analysis.",
            options = list(pageLength = 10,
                           lengthChange = FALSE,
                           dom = "pt",
                           ordering = TRUE),
            rownames = FALSE,
            colnames = c("ID", "Ion", "Lipid name", "Lipid class", "Reason"))

Below are the lipid classes shown which where used in the data analysis.

lipid_data_filter %>% 
  select(-sample_type) %>%
  pivot_wider(id_cols = my_id:carbon_db,
              names_from = sample_name,
              values_from = area) %>%
  filter(class_keep == TRUE) %>%
  select(LipidClass, class_ion) %>%
           .keep_all = TRUE) %>% 
  datatable(caption = "Table 2: Overview of lipid classes used in the data analysis.",
            options = list(pageLength = 10,
                           lengthChange = FALSE,
                           dom = "pt",
                           ordering = TRUE),
            rownames = FALSE,
            colnames = c("Lipid class", "Ion"))
# create a list with 
lipid_classes <- list("Fatty acyls" = data.frame(class = c("Fatty acids and conjugates",
                                                           "Fatty amides",
                                                           "Fatty esters"),
                                                 pattern = c("^(Ox)?FA$",
                      "Glycerolipids" = data.frame(class = c("Ether glycerolipids",
                                                             "Other glycerolipids"),
                                                   pattern = c("^(Ether|Ox)[MDT]G$",
                      "Glycerophospholipids" = data.frame(class = c("Glycerophosphates (PA)",
                                                                    "Glycerophosphocholines (PC)",
                                                                    "Glycerophospho ethanolamines (PE)",
                                                                    "Glycerophosphoglycerols (PG)",
                                                                    "Glycerophosphoglycerophosphoglycerols (CL)",
                                                                    "Glycerophosphoinositols (PI)",
                                                                    "Glycerophosphoserines (PS)",
                                                                    "Oxidized glycerophospholipids",
                                                                    "Other Glycerophospholipids"),
                                                          pattern = c("^L?PA$",
                      "Prenol lipids" = data.frame(class = "Prenol lipids",
                                                   pattern = "^(VAE|CoQ|VitaminE)$"),
                      "Sphingolipids" = data.frame(class = c("Acidic glycosphingolipids",
                                                             "Neutral glycosphingolipids",
                                                             "Sphingoid bases"),
                                                   pattern = c("^(GM3|SHexCer(\\+O)?)$",
                      "Sterol lipids" = data.frame(class = c("Bile acids and conjugates",
                                                             "Steroid conjugates",
                                                             "Other sterol lipids"),
                                                   pattern = c("^(BASulfate|BileAcid|DCAE)$",
# Check this: https://www.r-bloggers.com/2020/07/programmatically-create-new-headings-and-outputs-in-rmarkdown/
for(a in names(lipid_classes)) {
  cat("## ", a, "{.tabset}\n")
  for(b in 1:nrow(lipid_classes[[a]])) {
    cat("### ", lipid_classes[[a]]$class[b], "\n")
    p <- bubble_plot(lipid_data = lipid_data_filter,
                      pattern = lipid_classes[[a]]$pattern[b])

    # if nothing is returned show some text
    if(!is.null(p)) {
    } else {
      cat("No lipids selected.\n")
if(length(show_analysis) > 0) {
  cat("# Analysis\n")
if(length(show_analysis) > 0) {
  if("heatmap" %in% show_analysis) {
    cat("## Heatmap\n")
if(length(show_analysis) > 0) {
  if("heatmap" %in% show_analysis) {
    cat("Settings: \n\n")
    # raw or normalized data
    cat(ifelse(heatmap_input$select_z_heatmap == "raw",
        "- The raw data is used. \n",
        "- Total area normalization is applied to the data. \n"))
    # center / scaling
    cat(ifelse(heatmap_input$heatmap_zscore == TRUE,
           "- The data is centered and scaled. \n",
           "- The data is not centerd and scaled.\n"))
    # hierarchical clustering
    if(heatmap_input$heatmap_use_clust == TRUE) {
      cat("- Hierarchical clustering is applied to the data.\n")
if(length(show_analysis) > 0) {
  if("heatmap" %in% show_analysis) {
    compare_samples_heatmap(lipid_data = analysis_data,
                            cent_scale = heatmap_input$heatmap_zscore,
                            z = heatmap_input$select_z_heatmap,
                            clust = heatmap_input$heatmap_use_clust,
                            sample_group = heatmap_input$select_heatmap_group)
if(length(show_analysis) > 0) {
  if("compare_samples" %in% show_analysis) {
    cat("## Compare samples\n")
if(length(show_analysis) > 0) {
  if("compare_samples" %in% show_analysis) {
    results_test <- do_stat_test(lipid_data = analysis_data,
                                 group = test_input$test_select_group,
                                 group1_name = test_input$test_group1,
                                 group2_name = test_input$test_group2,
                                 normalization = test_input$select_test_normalization,
                                 transformation = test_input$select_test_transformation,
                                 test = test_input$select_test)

    volcano_plot(lipid_data = results_test,
                 pvalue_adjust = test_input$test_cor_pvalue,
                 title = paste0(test_input$test_group1, " vs ", test_input$test_group2))

Session info


ricoderks/lipidomics documentation built on July 22, 2024, 8 p.m.