Man pages for riddlet/iCiteR
A Minimal Wrapper Around NIH's 'iCite' API

construct_querycreate the url extension for an iCite API call
get_metricstakes a vector of PMIDs and returns the iCite information for...
icite_apiQuery the iCite api
iCiteRiCiteR: A package for retrieving citation data from the NIH's...
icite_searchQuery the iCite API using a search strategy
page_limitedPages through iCite results until the limit is reached or...
page_no_limitPages through iCite results until there is no new data
print.icite_apiA simple print method for the icite_api function
search_metricsSearches the icite database for entries that match the...
to_dataframeConverts icite_api information into a dataframe
riddlet/iCiteR documentation built on Jan. 27, 2024, 10:31 a.m.