CENFA-package: Tools for climate- and ecological-niche factor analysis

CENFA-packageR Documentation

Tools for climate- and ecological-niche factor analysis


CENFA provides tools for performing ecological-niche factor analysis (ENFA) and climate-niche factor analysis (CNFA).


This package was created with three goals in mind:

- To update the ENFA method for use with large datasets and modern data formats.

- To expand the application of ENFA in the context of climate change in order to quantify different aspects of species vulnerability to climate change, and to facilitate quantitative comparisons of vulnerability between species.

- To correct a minor error in the ENFA method itself, that has persisted in the literature since Hirzel et al. first introduced ENFA in 2002.

CENFA takes advantage of the raster and sp packages, allowing the user to conduct analyses directly with raster, shapefile, and point data, and to handle large datasets efficiently via partial data loading and parallelization.

In addition, CENFA also contains a few functions that speed up some basic 'raster' functions considerably by parallelizing on a layer-by-layer basis rather than a cell-by-cell basis.


D. Scott Rinnan


Basille, Mathieu, et al. Assessing habitat selection using multivariate statistics: Some refinements of the ecological-niche factor analysis. Ecological Modelling 211.1 (2008): 233-240.

Hirzel, Alexandre H., et al. Ecological-niche factor analysis: how to compute habitat-suitability maps without absence data?. Ecology 83.7 (2002): 2027-2036.

See Also

sp, raster-package

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