
Extracts meta-features from datasets to support the design of recommendation systems based on Meta-Learning (MtL). The meta-features, also called characterization measures, are able to characterize the complexity of datasets and to provide estimates of algorithm performance. The package contains not only the standard, but also more recent characterization measures. By making available a large set of meta-feature extraction functions, this package allows a comprehensive data characterization, a deep data exploration and a large number of MtL-based data analysis.

In MtL, meta-features are designed to extract general properties able to characterize datasets. The meta-feature values should provide relevant evidences about the performance of algorithms, allowing the design of MtL-based recommendation systems. Thus, these measures must be able to predict, with a low computational cost, the performance of the algorithms under evaluation. In this package, the meta-feature measures are divided into five groups:

In the following sections we will briefly introduce how to use the mfe package to extract all the measures using standard methods as well as to extract specific measures using methods for each group. Once the package is loaded, the vignette is also available inside R with the command browseVignettes.

Extracting meta-features

The standard way to extract meta-features is using the metafeatures methods. The method can be used by a symbolic description of the model (formula) or by a data frame. The parameters are the dataset and the group of measures to be extracted. By default, the method extract all the measures. For instance:


## Extract all measures using formula <- metafeatures(Species ~ ., iris)

## Extract all measures using data frame <- metafeatures(iris[,1:4], iris[,5])

## Extract general, statistical and information-theoretic measures <- metafeatures(Species ~ ., iris, 
                          groups=c("general", "statistical", "infotheo"))

Several measures return more than one value. To aggregate them, post processing methods can be used. It is possible to compute min, max, mean, median, kurtosis, standard deviation, among others. The default methods are the mean and the sd. For instance:

## Compute all measures using min, median and max <- metafeatures(Species ~ ., iris, summary=c("min", "median", "max"))

## Compute all measures using quantile <- metafeatures(Species ~ ., iris, summary="quantile")

Extracting meta-features by group

To customize the measure extraction, is necessary to use specific methods for each group of measures. For instance, infotheo and statistical compute the information theoretical and the statistical measures, respectively. The following examples illustrate these cases:

## Extract two information theoretical measures
stat.iris <- infotheo(Species ~ ., iris, 
                         features=c("attrEnt", "jointEnt"))

## Extract three statistical measures
disc.iris <- statistical(Species ~ ., iris, 
                            features=c("cancor", "cor", "iqr"))

## Extract the histogram for the correlation measure
hist.iris <- statistical(Species ~ ., iris, 
                            features="cor", summary="hist")

Different from the metafeatures method, these methods receive a parameter called features, to define which features are required, and return a list instead of a numeric vector. In additional, some groups can be customized using additional arguments.

There are five measure groups which can be either general information about the dataset, statistical information, descriptors about information theoretical, measures designed to extract characteristics about the DT model or landmarks which represent the performance of simple algorithms applied to the dataset. The following example show the available groups:

## Show the the available groups


These are the most simple measures for extracting general properties of the datasets. For instance, nrAttr and nrClass are the total number of attributes in the dataset and the number of output values (classes) in the dataset, respectively. To list the measures of this group use ls.general(). The following examples illustrate these measures:

## Show the the available general measures

## Extract all general measures
general.iris <- general(Species ~ ., iris)

## Extract two general measures
general(Species ~ ., iris, features=c("nrAttr", "nrClass"))

The general measures return a list named by the requested measures. The post.processing methods are applied only for the freqClass meta-feature. For instance, to extract the minimum, maximum and the standard deviation of the classes proportion use:

## Extract two general measures
general(Species ~ ., iris, features="freqClass", summary=c("min", "max", "sd"))


Statistical meta-features are the standard statistical measures to describe the numerical properties of a distribution of data. As it requires only numerical attributes, the categorical data are transformed to numerical. For instance, cor and skewness are the absolute correlation between of each pair of attributes and the skewness of the numeric attributes in the dataset, respectively. To list the measures of this group use ls.statistical(). The following examples illustrate these measures:

## Show the the available statistical measures

## Extract all statistical measures
stat.iris <- statistical(Species ~ ., iris)

## Extract two statistical measures
statistical(Species ~ ., iris, features=c("cor", "skewness"))

The statistical group can use two additional parameter called by.class and transform. To the former the default is by.class=FALSE which means that the meta-features are computed without consider the classes values. Otherwise, the measure is extracted using the instances separated by class. In the latter, the default value is transform=TRUE which means that categorical attributes will be transformed to numeric. The following example shows the use of these two definitions:

## Extract correlation using instances by classes
statistical(Species ~ ., iris, features="cor", by.class=TRUE)

## Ignore the class attributes
aux <- cbind(class=iris$Species, iris)
statistical(Species ~ ., aux, transform=FALSE)

Note that, in the first example the values and the cardinality of the measure are different since the correlation between the attributes were computed using the instances for each class separately. The post.processing methods are applied in these measures since they return multiple values. To define which them should be applied use the summary parameter, as detailed in the post.processing method.

Information Theoretical

Information theoretical meta-features are particularly appropriate to describe discrete (categorical) attributes, but they also fit continuous ones using a discretization process. These measures are based on information theory. For instance, normClassEnt and mutInf are the normalized entropy of the class and the common information shared between each attribute and the class in the dataset, respectively. To list the measures of this group use ls.infotheo(). The following examples illustrate these measures:

## Show the the available information theoretical measures

## Extract all information theoretical measures
inf.iris <- infotheo(Species ~ ., iris)

## Extract two information theoretical measures
infotheo(Species ~ ., iris, features=c("normClassEnt", "mutInf"))

The Information theoretical group can use one additional parameter called transform. Using the default value transform=TRUE the continuous attributes will be discretized. The following example shows the use of this definition:

## Ignore the discretization process
aux <- cbind(class=iris$Species, iris)
infotheo(Species ~ ., aux, transform=FALSE)

The information theoretical measures return a list named by the requested measures. The post.processing methods are applied in some measures since they return multiple values. To define which them should be applied use the summary parameter, as detailed in the section Post Processing Methods.

Model based

These measures describe characteristics of the investigated models. These meta-features can include, for example, the description of the DT induced for a dataset, like its number of leaves (leaves) and the number of nodes (nodes) of the tree. The following examples illustrate these measures:

## Show the the available model.based measures

## Extract all model.based measures
land.iris <- model.based(Species ~ ., iris)

## Extract three model.based measures
model.based(Species ~ ., iris, features=c("leaves", "nodes"))

The DT model based measures return a list named by the requested measures. The post.processing methods are applied in these measures since they return multiple values. To define which them should be applied use the summary parameter, as detailed in the post.processing method.


Landmarking measures are simple and fast algorithms, from which performance characteristics can be extracted. These measures include the performance of simple and efficient learning algorithms like Naive Bayes (naiveBayes) and 1-Nearest Neighbor (oneNN). The following examples illustrate these measures:

## Show the the available landmarking measures

## Extract all landmarking measures
land.iris <- landmarking(Species ~ ., iris)

## Extract two landmarking measures
landmarking(Species ~ ., iris, features=c("naiveBayes", "oneNN"))

The performance extraction of these measures without a cross validation step can cause model overfitting in the data. Therefore the landmarking function has the parameter folds to define the number of k-fold cross-validation and the parameter score to select the performance measure. The following example show how to set this value:

## Extract one landmarking measures with folds=2
landmarking(Species ~ ., iris, features="naiveBayes", folds=2)

## Extract one landmarking measures with folds=2
landmarking(Species ~ ., iris, features="naiveBayes", score="kappa")

The landmarking measures return a list named by the requested measures. The post.processing methods are applied in these measures since they return multiple values. To define which them should be applied use the summary parameter, as detailed in the post.processing method.


The relative group is the landmarking with sampling and ranking strategies. The sampling strategy decreases the computational cost of the landmarking by selecting a subsample of the original examples. The ranking strategy capture relative information between the performance of the algorithms. The following examples illustrate these measures:

## Show the the available relative measures

## Extract all relative measures
real.iris <- relative(Species ~ ., iris)

## Extract all relative measures with half of the samples
relative(Species ~ ., iris, size=0.5)

## Extract two relative measures
relative(Species ~ ., iris, features=c("naiveBayes", "oneNN"))


Clustering measures extract information about dataset based on external validation indexes. The main ideia is measure the complexity of the dataset using indexes able to check information about the predictive attributes and the label. The following examples illustrate these measures:

## Show the the available clustering measures

## Extract all clustering measures
clus.iris <- clustering(Species ~ ., iris)

## Extract two clustering measures
clustering(Species ~ ., iris, features=c("vdu", "vdb"))

Post Processing Methods

Several meta-features generate multiple values and mean and sd are the standard method to summary these values. In order to increase the flexibility, the mfe package implemented the post processing methods to deal with multiple measures values. This method is able to deal with descriptive statistic (resulting in a single value) or a distribution (resulting in multiple values).

The post processing methods are setted using the parameter summary. It is possible to compute min, max, mean, median, kurtosis, standard deviation, among others. Any R method, can be used, as illustrated in the following examples:

## Apply several statistical measures as post processing
statistical(Species ~ ., iris, "cor", 
               summary=c("kurtosis", "max", "mean", "median", "min", "sd", 
                         "skewness", "var"))

## Apply quantile as post processing method
statistical(Species ~ ., iris, "cor", summary="quantile")

## Get the default values without summarize them
statistical(Species ~ ., iris, "cor", summary=c())

Beyond these R default methods, two additional post processing methods are available in the mfe package: hist and non.aggregated. The first computes a histogram of the values and returns the frequencies of in each bins. The extra parameters bins can be used to define the number of values to be returned. The parameters min and max are used to define the range of the data. The second is a way to obtain all values from the measure and has the same effect of the use of an empty list. The following code illustrate examples of the use of these post processing methods:

## Apply histogram as post processing method
statistical(Species ~ ., iris, "cor", summary="hist")

## Apply histogram as post processing method and customize it
statistical(Species ~ ., iris, "cor", summary="hist", bins=5, min=0, max=1)

## Extract all correlation values
statistical(Species ~ ., iris, "cor", summary="non.aggregated")

It is also possible define an user's post processing method, like this:

## Compute the absolute difference between the mean and the median 
my.method <- function(x, ...) abs(mean(x) - median(x))

## Using the user defined post processing method
statistical(Species ~ ., iris, "cor", summary="my.method")


In this paper the mfe package, aimed to extract meta-features from dataset, has been introduced. The functions supplied by this package allow both their use in MtL experiments as well as perform data analysis using characterization measures able to describe datasets. Currently, six groups of meta-features can be extracted for any classification dataset. These groups and features represent the standard and the state of the art characterization measures.

The mfe package was designed to be easily customized and extensible. The development of the mfe package will continue in the near future by including new meta-features, group of measures supporting regression problems and MtL evaluation measures.

rivolli/mfe documentation built on March 29, 2022, 11:08 p.m.