Man pages for rjaneUCF/MultiHazard
Tools for modeling compound events

Annual_MaxGenerate annual maximum series
Conditional_RP_2DCalculates joint and conditional return periods
Conditional_RP_2D_EqualCalculates joint and conditional return periods
Con_Sampling_2DConditionally sampling a two-dimensional dataset
Con_Sampling_2D_LagConditionally sampling a two dimensional dataset
Cooley19Derives bivariate isolines using the non-parametric approach...
Copula_Threshold_2DCopula Selection With threshold 2D - Fit
Copula_Threshold_2D_LagCopula Selection With threshold 2D - Fit
Dataframe_CombineCreates a data frame containing up to five time series
DeclusterDeclusters a time series
Decluster_S_SWDeclusters a Summed time series using a moving (Storm) Window...
Decluster_SWDeclusters a time series using a storm window approach
Design_Event_2DDerives a single or ensemble of bivariate design events
DetrendDetrends a time series.
Diag_Non_ConGoodness of fit of non-extreme marginal distributions
Diag_Non_Con_SelDemonstrate the goodness of fit of the selected non-extreme...
Diag_Non_Con_TruncGoodness of fit of non-extreme marginal distributions
Diag_Non_Con_Trunc_SelGodness of fit of the selected non-extreme marginal...
GPD_FitFits a single generalized Pareto distribution - Fit
GPD_Parameter_Stability_PlotGPD parameter stability plots
GPD_Threshold_SolariSolari et al (2017) automatic GPD threshold selection
GPD_Threshold_Solari_SelGoodness-of-fit for the GPD
HT04Fits and simulates from the conditional multivariate approach...
HT04_LagImplements the version of the conditional multivariate...
ImputationImputing missing values through linear regression
inverse_pit_gpdInverse PIT GPD
Joint_RP_2DCalculates joint return periods
Kendall_LagKendall's tau correlation coefficient between pairs of...
Mean_Excess_PlotMean excess plot - GPD threshold selection
Migpd_FitFits Multiple independent generalized Pareto models - Fit
NOAA_SLRNOAA sea-level rise scenarios
OsWL_IntensityOcean-side Water Level Intensity
SLR_ScenariosSea level rise scenarios
Standard_Copula_FitFit an Archimedean/elliptic copula model - Fit
Standard_Copula_SelSelecting best fitting standard (elliptical and Archimedean)...
Standard_Copula_SimArchimedean/elliptic copula model - Simulation
Surge_CriterionSurge identification criterion
Time_Series_PlotRainfall and O-sWL time series plots
U_SampleImplements (unconditional) bootstrap procedure in Serinaldi...
Vine_Copula_FitC and D-vine Copula - Fitting
Vine_Copula_SimC and D-vine Copula - Simulation
WL_CurveDerive water level curves
rjaneUCF/MultiHazard documentation built on Aug. 17, 2024, 2:14 p.m.