In this lab we have created a package to connect to web API using R.We have integrated Google Geocode Api for search a place by text string and by latitude and longitude.We have implemented two functions for thiis purpose which are as follows:

Search by Place : search_place()

It takes one parameter as input:


search_text (for example: search_text = "McDonald") The text is the input given by user which should be of character type

Search by Latitude and Longitude: search_by_latlng()

It takes two parameters as input:


  1. lat (for example: lat = 30.032486) lat is the input given by user which should be of numeric type

  2. lng (for example: lng = 70.640244) lng is the input given by user which should be of numeric type

# search by lat & lng 

search_lat_lng_api_call<- function(lat,lng)
  lat_lng <- paste(lat, ",", lng, sep = '' )
  request<- httr::GET("",
                      query = list(latlng = lat_lng,
                                   key = "AIzaSyBSfGtZ5DvujPUa1sZMmcdImaN8FmL3fqQ"
                      encode = "json"
  r <- jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(request, "text"))
  return (r)
luid<- "samza595 and rabsh696"
name<- "saman zahid & rabnawaz jansher"

#' @title Google Place Search by lat lng
#' @name  search_by_latlng
#' @param lat i.e is latitdue is the double type numeric value
#' @param lng i.e is lngitutde is the double type numeric value
#' @return result dataframe response
#' @description search place by latitude and longitude api integration where you can get the location of any place by its latitude and longitude using geocoding api
#' @references \url{}
#' @export

search_by_latlng<- function(lat,lng)
  if(!is.numeric(lat) || !is.numeric(lng) || !is.double(lat) || !is.double(lng) )
  response <- search_lat_lng_api_call(lat,lng)

  if(response$status  == "OK")
    result<- parse_lat_lng_response(response)
  else if(response$status == "ZERO_RESULTS")
    return("No match result found")
  else if(response$status == "ZERO_RESULTS")
    return("No match result found")
  else if(response$status == "REQUEST_DENIED")
    return("Api key expried Contact package owner")
  else if(response$status == "OVER_QUERY_LIMIT")
    return("your request limit is has been exceed")


parse_lat_lng_response<- function(response)

  len <- length(response$results$place_id)
  place <- c()
  i<- 1
  for(x in response$results$address_components)
    place[i] <- x[1]$long_name[1]
    i<- i + 1
    if(i > len) break
  i <- 1
  type <- c()
  for(x in response$results$types)
    type[i] <- x[1]
    i<- i +1
    if(i > len) break

  result <- data.frame(
                       lat= response$results$geometry$location$lat,
                       lng = response$results$geometry$location$lng,
                        place = place,
                       id= response$results$place_id,
                       address = response$results$formatted_address,
                        place_type= type


Setup to Run Shiny Application

install package geocodeApi


it install a package from repository


Run a shiny Application

shiny::runGitHub(repo = "rjkhan/gApi")

Repo link

"Here you can find a link for repo" (Package-repo ) (shiny-application-repo )


rjkhan/RCourse-lab5 documentation built on May 21, 2019, 2:26 a.m.