Man pages for rjournal/rj
Tools for managing the R journal

acknowledge_revisionSend revision received acknowledgement
acknowledge_submissionSend submission acknowledgements
acknowledge_submission_textCreate an acknowledgement email in correspondence folder
actionAccept, reject, or withdraw an article
actionable_articlesShow articles that require attention with the corresponding...
active_articlesList articles.
add_aeAdd AE to the DESCRIPTION
addressAn S3 class to represent email addresses.
add_reviewAdd the review file received from the reviewer
add_reviewerInvite an reviewer
AEsAssociate editor (AE) functions
ae_workloadCheck the number of articles an AE is currently working on
articleS3 class for article objects
article_status_plotGenerates a status plot for articles submitted in the last...
author_emailsExtract email from leading author of an issue for emailing
build_latexBuild article from LaTeX
corr_authorExtract corresponding author from an article
decline_reviewerUpdate reviewer's response to invite
draft_acknowledge_submissionsSend submission acknowledgement drafts
email_templateSend an email template.
email_textGenerate an email template.
filter_statusFind articles with a given status.
future_idsGenerate a new id value.
get_accepted_but_not_onlineGet articles to go online
get_article_keywordsExtract keywords from a submitted article
get_articles_pathGet the directory of the articles repository, either as set...
get_md_from_pdfGet metadata from a PDF file
get_reviewer_keywordsExtract keywords from reviewer list
get_submissionsDownload submissions.
git_userDetect user name and e-mail from GIT
invite_reviewersInvite reviewer(s).
make_proofMake a proof of an issue
match_keywordsFind reviewers through keywords matching
new_idGenerate a new id value.
online_metadataGenerate metadata needed for website.
online_metadata_for_articleGenerate metadata for one article.
parse_address_listParse a string into a rfc822 address list.
proofingFunctions for proofing articles
publish_articlePublish an individual article
publish_issuePublish an issue
publish_newsPublish a news article
reportGenerate a status report.
reviewer_statusSummarise reviewers' progression of an article
reviewer_summarySummarise the reviewer's agree/decline ratio based on past...
rjR Journal Package
set_articles_pathSet the directory of the articles repository
statusCreate a S3 status object
summarise_articlesSummarise editors current in-tray
tabulate_articlesTabulate article descriptions
time_to_accept_plotGenerates a plot of acceptance times for articles published...
update_statusUpdate the article status
valid_reviewer_statusA list of all valid reviewer statuses.
valid_statusA list of all valid statuses.
rjournal/rj documentation built on Sept. 4, 2024, 12:55 p.m.