
## [[file:../seedDisp.org::*windDisp][windDisp:1]]
##' Disperses seeds from a matrix by using a 2 dimensional dispersal kernel
##' This function uses a 2D seed dispersal kernel in form of a \code{matrix} to disperse seeds
##' from a seed source in form of a \code{matrix} and returns a \code{matrix} of the same size
##' containing the seed distribnution after the seeds in the original seed matrix are dispersed.
##' The function uses an inverse approach, by going over all cells and determining the number of
##' seeds dispersed \bold{into} the cell from all the cells under the dispersel kernel.
##' To calculate the number of seeds dispersed into each cell, the foolowing steps are done:
##' 1) The dispersal kernel is centered over the for which the number of seeds to be dispersed into
##' will be calculated
##' 2) for each cell under the dispersal kernel \code{SD2D} the following is done
##' 2.1) if the corresponding cell in MASK is \code{NA}, no seeds are dispersed into this cell
##' 2.2) for each cell under the kernel \code{SD2D} for which the underlying MASK is not NA a binominal distributed random number is drawn with
##'         \code{rbinom(1, noOfSeeds, prob)} \cr
##'         \code{noOfSeeds} : number of seeds in the cell from which the seeds orriginate \cr
##'         \code{prob} : probability from \code{SD2D} kernel of the corresponding cell
##'      and summed up for the whole kernel.
##' This function is implemented in C (\code{windDispCpp})
##' The C function requires the seed raster to be buffered by half
##' the width of the seed dispertsal kernel \code{SD2D} which is done
##' in the function before calling the C function.
##' @usage windDisp(SD2D, SEEDS, MASK, zeroToNULL)
##' @name windDisp
##' @title Dispersal of seeds by wind
##' @param SD2D Sedd Dispersal kernel 2D - \code{matrix} defining the 2D seed dispersal kernel 
##' @param SEEDS \code{matrix} specifying the number of seeds to be dispersed
##' @param MASK \code{matrix} defining the area in which processing takes place (\code{!is.na(MASK)}) 
##' @param zeroToNULL \code{boolean} if TRUE replace 0 with NA in the returned \code{matrix}, 
##' otherwise all NA will be replaced with 0
##' @return \code{matrix} of same size as \code{SEEDS} containing the dispersed seeds
##' @author Rainer M Krug \email{Rainer@@krugs.de}
##' @useDynLib seedDisp
##' @export 

windDisp <- function(SD2D, SEEDS, MASK, zeroToNULL) {
    ## Calculate width of buffer (half the width of SD2D)
    bwx2 <- as.integer((ncol(SD2D) - 1))
    bwxf <- bwx2 / 2
    bwx  <- as.integer(bwx2 / 2)
    if (bwxf != bwx) {
        stop("ncol(SD2D) has to be an odd number!")
    bwy2 <- as.integer((nrow(SD2D) - 1))
    bwyf <- bwy2 / 2
    bwy <- as.integer(bwyf)
    if (bwyf != bwy) {
        stop("ncol(SD2D) has to be an odd number!")
    ## buffer MASK and SEEDS for dispersal into cells at the edge
    buffer <- matrix(NA, nrow=nrow(SEEDS), ncol=bwx)
    SEEDS <- cbind(buffer, SEEDS, buffer)
    MASKin <- cbind(buffer, MASK, buffer)
    buffer <- matrix(NA, ncol=ncol(SEEDS), nrow=bwy)
    SEEDS <- rbind(buffer, SEEDS, buffer)
    MASKin <- rbind(buffer, MASKin, buffer)
    ## call C++ function
    output <- .Call(
        bwx     = bwx,                            # integer number - buffer width x direction
        bwy     = bwy,                            # integer number - buffer width y direction
        SD2D    = SD2D,                           # numeric matrix - seed dispersal kernel
        SEEDSin = SEEDS,                          # numeric matrix - buffered seeds matrix to be dispersed
        MASKin  = MASKin,                         # numeric matrix - buffered mask fir cells from which to be dispersed
        MASKout = MASK,                           # numeric matrix - not buffered mask of cells for which to calculate the number of seeds
        PACKAGE = "seedDisp"
    if (zeroToNULL) {
        output[output==0] <- NA
    } else {
        output[is.na(output)] <- 0
## windDisp:1 ends here

## Local Variables:
## buffer-read-only: t
## eval:: (auto-revert-mode)
## End:
rkrug/seedDisp documentation built on July 6, 2019, 4:37 p.m.