Ache: Human forager hunting returns data

Description Usage Format References


Hunting returns of individual Ache men, 1981 to 2007. Each row is an individual trip by an individual hunter.




  1. month : Month of trip

  2. day : Day of trip

  3. dayid : Unique day index

  4. year : Year of record

  5. date : Julian date of trip

  6. date.s : Julian date, standardized

  7. : Identifier of individual man

  8. age : Man's age at time of record

  9. age.s : Age, standardized

  10. kg.meat : Kilograms of meat returned from hunt

  11. iszero : Indicator for zero value kg.meat

  12. nonzero : Positive kg.meat values

  13. hours : Duration in hours of hunting trip

  14. datatype : 1 if duration of trip known, 3 otherwise


Hill and Kintigh. 2009. Current Anthropology 50:369-377.

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