
The goal of reup is to provide sane ways to install a new R library based on old one.

It is inspired from this simple R script that was intended for purely personal use.


You can install reup from github with:

# install.packages("devtools")

Using reup

reup is a package for re-installing a bunch of R packages from one library location to a new one, in a way that is automatic, and will hopefully introduce few errors. It assumes that packages are being installed from R itself, not from the OS command line. This essentially means source packages in Linux, and normally binary packages on Windows and Mac.

It is opinionated in how it expects the library location to be defined, in that the local library for installing things is defined by the .Renviron file, with the environment variable R_LIBS is set. For example, this might be something like:


This is used by R to set the entries in .libPaths().

Set New Library Location

Before installing the new version of R, you should install reup (see instructions above), and run:


In all of the following examples, I am going to assume that the old library location is in /home/user/R_libs/old_libs, and the new one is in /home/user/R_libs/new_libs.

Modify .Renviron


Restart R

Now you can restart R, and verify that the new library is the default, and that only the base packages are installed.


Install reup (again)

Oddly enough, to use it, you need to install it again. Currently this requires devtools so that one can install from github.


Installing Local Packages

If you want to be able to install local packages, you will also need devtools installed.

Define Old and New Library


Define Mirrors

set_bioc_mirror() # exclude if you don't have any bioconductor packages

Install Packages


Code Of Conduct

Please note that this project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By participating in this project you agree to abide by its terms.

Issues, Bug Reports

If you use this package, and have any issues, please create an issue. If you are reporting a bug, please include the version of R that you used.

rmflight/reup documentation built on May 27, 2019, 9:32 a.m.