Tweet R Job Status

This package enables the user to use a Twitter app to send job notification updates. See this post for the original incarnation.


Dont EVER, EVER, EVER commit the data/local_cache.RData file that gets created below. This file is listed in the .gitignore file, which is actually included in this git repo for a reason. If someone gets ahold of your oauth cache, they can then tweet from your app. This is largely why I recommend creating a separate user and app to tweet from, and NOT associate credentials with your own twitter profile.


This is a little different, because it depends on caching oauth credentials and storing them as part of the package itself, so it is a little bit more complicated.

Install twitteR & devtools Package

install.packages(c("devtools", "twitteR"))

Clone tweetJobStatus

git clone

Create Twitter App

We are going to create a twitter account and app specifically for sending this one type of notification. You can register a new twitter account using a new email (if you use gmail you can add a dot (.) anywhere in your email address for a unique address that still reaches you) and setup a new user name.

After setting up your new account, log in to, and create new app. Fill in all the necessary details, and when you have it up, modify app permissions to be Read and write. This will allow it to actually send messages on the accounts behalf.

App Credentials

Click on the API Keys tab, and set up your api data by copying the values into the code below. Note if you dont see a token and a secret, try hitting test oauth to generate one.

All following steps should be done in R.

apikey <- "" #API Key
apisecret <- "" #API Secret
token <- "" #Access Token
tokensecret <- "" #Access token secret

And now we will authorize our app and make sure that it can tweet.

setup_twitter_oauth(apikey, apisecret, token, tokensecret)
tweet("this is a test") # make sure you can see a tweet
tweet("@youruserid this is a test") # check that you see notifications, change @youruserid to your own twitter handle

And then save the cache for later use.

local_cache <- get("oauth_token", twitteR:::oauth_cache) # saves the oauth token so we can reuse it
save(local_cache, file="data/oauth_cache.RData")

Install With Saved Credentials and Test Again

devtools::install() # or Build & Reload
tweetJobStatus::jobNotify(jobID = "test", userID = "@youruserid")

testFunction <- function(x){

tweetJobStatus::jobNotify(testFunction(NULL), "test null", "@youruserid")
tweetJobStatus::jobNotify(testFunction(1), "test null", "@youruserid")

You can also add an argument testTweet = TRUE to see what the output looks like without actually sending tweets.

Make @youruserid Default

You may also want to modify the jobNotify function so that your twitter handle is the default. Simply modify notifyFunctions.R, and change userID = "" to userID = "@youruserid".

rmflight/tweetJobStatus documentation built on May 27, 2019, 9:32 a.m.