Man pages for rmsharp/rmsutilityr
Utility Functions Used for Reproducible Research

bcommentWrapper function around 'colfmt()' to make the font blue.
blank_fill_idsReturns the Ids in right blank filled and upper case animal...
capitalize_first_letterCaptitalize first letter of each word in a character string
classify_code_linesCreates a list object containing number of lines, blank...
clearpageclearpage that works for PDF (LaTeX) and HTML output from...
colfmtReturns a string formatted as a comment for HTML or LaTeX...
combine_vectorsReturns a character vector made up of two vectors, where if...
count_selected_commentsCount selected comments in files.
create_wkbkCreates an Excel workbook with worksheets.
delete_selected_comments_from_linesDelete selected comments from lines.
display_selected_code_commentsDisplays selected comments
dups_to_empty_strReplaces duplicate strings with empty strings.
expunge_namesReturns a character vector with the string pattern within the...
find_html_commentsFind HTML comments
get_ageReturns the fractional age in years, months or days between...
get_and_or_listReturns a one element character string with correct...
get_col_width_fmtReturns a format statement used by xtable based on centimeter...
get_cran_db_factoryReturns the CRAN database but only refreshes once a day...
get_dated_excel_nameReturns a character vector with an Excel complient name...
get_dated_filenameReturns a character vector with an file name having the date...
get_depsGet Package Dependencies
get_elapsed_time_strReturns the elapsed time since start_time.
get_example_linesGet the examples lines from a source code file.
get_files_and_function_namesGet the file names and functions defined in those files
get_first_json_messageReturns a list containing two objects in the text of a...
get_function_namesGet functions defined in a vector of lines
get_html_comment_text_lines_and_labels_from_filesRead in file and find, classify, and count comments by label...
get_json_listReturns list of lists made by call to fromJSON()
get_pkg_functions_in_examplesGet a data.frame with a list of package functions used within...
get_pkg_listProvides a sorted CSV list of packages loaded in an R session
get_relative_path_file_namesCreates file names using a common relative path structure
get_split_formatReturns a character string of xtable format statements split...
get_split_tableReturns a list of data frames split up for printing so that...
get_target_filesGet a list of files based on presence of a text pattern
install_from_sourceInstall R package from package source
is_evenReturns even numbers from a set of numbers
is_fileAre these files?
is_oddReturns odd numbers from a set of numbers
is_valid_date_strReturns TRUE if the string is a valid date.
latex_fivenumReturns character vector of one containing the results of the...
make_date_strMake a date character string given a date.
make_flagMake a list of functions used flags
make_knitr_headerAssumes the presence of the LaTeX package 'titling' with the...
make_license_dfMake dataframe with mapping of code license descriptions to...
make_mult_colReturns dataframe with multiple sets of the original columns...
make_new_pathMakes the new path if needed
make_package_dependency_listMake package dependency list
make_pkg_dep_dfMake a package dependency dataframe from a list
make_true_false_flagMake a list of functions used flags
match_bracesReturns dataframe with ordered locations of the matching...
merge_html_comment_linesMerge multiline HTML comments into a single character string.
myDebugRuns debug once on a function that is in memory
myKnitCustom 'knit' button for RMarkdown to support colating...
not_installedCheck to see of a package is installed
numbers2wordsReturns the words that describe the integer values of the...
pagebreakpagebreak that works for PDF (LaTeX) and HTML output from...
rcommentWrapper function around 'colfmt()' to make the font red.
remove_empty_columnsReturns a dataframe after empty columns have been removed.
remove_stringReturns a character vector with the remove_str pattern...
remove_stringsReturns a character vector with the string patterns within...
remove_these_strRemove these strings
return_html_comment_text_lines_and_labelsGet labels, comments, and line numbers from HTML comments
str_detect_allDetects regular expressions or fixed string values in...
str_detect_anyDetects regular expressions or fixed string values in...
str_detect_fixed_allReturns a logical vector with results of stri_detect() for...
str_detect_regex_allReturns a logical vector with results of stri_detect() for...
stri_trim_colsTakes a dataframe and trims all character columns of leading...
str_or_na_replaceReplaces string or NA in a character vector with either NA or...
str_reverseReturns character vector where each element has had its...
underscoreToCamelCaseConvert underscore text strings such as 'trans_col_select' to...
underscoreToTitleCaseConvert underscore text strings such as 'trans_col_select' to...
vector2stringCoverts values from a vector to a concatenation of substrings...
write_files_after_deleting_selected_commentsWrite files after deleting selected comments.
write_lnes_after_deleting_selected_commentsWrites lines (contents of a file minus comments) to a new...
xt_printPrints xtable with gray bar
rmsharp/rmsutilityr documentation built on Feb. 13, 2024, 6:01 p.m.