
Is this analysis I use the DREAM model to implement calculation of L1 error and causal entropy over several interventions. I do so in two cases, with canonical knowledge used as a prior and without. The canonical knowledge is simply that if there is an edge that contains a receptor, to-receptor orientation of the edge should have near 0 probability.

First I define some basic objects:

load(system.file("extdata/robjects", "dream_net.rda", package = "artemis"))
node_names <- nodes(net)
starting_nets <- random.graph(node_names, 100, method = "ic-dag", = 100) 
receptors <- c("igf1", "il1a", "tgfa", "tnfa")
prior_edges <-  arcs2names(arcs(net)[1:10, ], directed = F)

Step 1: Calculation of the beta prior in the case of canonical information.

data_boot <- lapply(starting_nets, function(start_net){
    tabu(rbn(net, 80), start = start_net, tabu = 50, 
         prior = "cs", score = "bde", iss = 40)
  }) %>%
  custom.strength(nodes(net), cpdag = FALSE)
data_prior <- mutate(data_boot, 
                        prob = strength * direction,
                        prob = ifelse(prob == 1, 1 - .Machine$double.eps * 100, prob ),
                        prob = ifelse(prob == 0,  .Machine$double.eps * 100, prob)) %>%
  select(from, to, prob)

Step 2: Fushion of canonical information and data to create a canonical prior.

receptor_bl <- lapply(receptors,
                        cbind(from = receptor, to = setdiff(receptors, receptor))
                      }) %>%
  {"rbind", .)} %>%
  data.frame(stringsAsFactors = F) %>%
  mutate(prob = .Machine$double.eps * 100)
prior_no_incoming <- lapply(receptors, 
               cbind(from = setdiff(nodes(net), receptors), to = receptor)
             }) %>%
  {"rbind", .)} %>%
  data.frame(stringsAsFactors = F) %>%
  mutate(prob = .46875 * .1)
prior_incoming <- lapply(receptors, 
               cbind(from = receptor, to = setdiff(nodes(net), receptors))
             }) %>%
  {"rbind", .)} %>%
  data.frame(stringsAsFactors = F) %>%
  mutate(prob = .46875 * .9)
hyper_prior <- rbind(receptor_bl, prior_no_incoming, prior_incoming)
canonical_boot <- lapply(starting_nets, function(start_net){
    tabu(rbn(net, 80), start = start_net, tabu = 50, 
         prior = "cs", beta = hyper_prior, score = "bde", iss = 40)
  }) %>%
  custom.strength(nodes(net), cpdag = FALSE)
canonical_prior <- mutate(canonical_boot, 
                        prob = strength * direction,
                        prob = ifelse(prob == 1, 1 - .Machine$double.eps * 100, prob ),
                        prob = ifelse(prob == 0,  .Machine$double.eps * 100, prob)) %>%
  select(from, to, prob)

Sanity check, these should not be the same.

data_prior %>%
  mutate(canonical_prob = canonical_prior[,"prob"],
         edge = arcs2names(., directed_edges = F),
         valid = ifelse(edge %in% arcs2names(arcs(net), directed_edges = F), "T", "F"),
         prior = ifelse(edge %in% prior_edges, "prior", "not")
  ) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = prob, y = canonical_prob, 
             colour = valid, shape = prior, size = prior)) +
  geom_point() +
  xlab("data-only prior") + 
  ylab("canonical prior") +  
  ggtitle("Comparison of edge probabilities in between priors")

Some (though not all) of the edges directly affected by the canonical information have lower probability in the case of the canonical prior. Other edges have more or less probability.

Comparison of inferred edges on intervention data.

Let's compare to the case of stimulating 2 downstream proteins; ikk, mkk4, and erk12. First is the case with no prior information.

node_names <- nodes(net)
starting_nets <- random.graph(node_names, 100, method = "ic-dag", = 100) 
interventions <- c("ikk", "mkk4")
i <- 0
boot_no_canonical <- lapply(starting_nets, function(start_net){
  i <<- i + 1
  .sim_data <- rbn_inhibition(net, 20, targets = interventions)
  targets <- attr(.sim_data, "target")
  exp_list <- lapply(node_names, function(nom) which(nom == targets))
  names(exp_list) <- node_names
  sim_net <- tabu(.sim_data, start = start_net, tabu = 50, score = "mbde",
              exp = exp_list, prior = "cs", beta = data_prior, iss = 40)
  ctsdag(sim_net, interventions)
  }) %>%
  custom.strength(node_names, cpdag = FALSE)
i <- 0
boot_canonical <- lapply(starting_nets, function(start_net){
  i <<- i + 1
  .sim_data <- rbn_inhibition(net, 20, targets = interventions)
  targets <- attr(.sim_data, "target")
  exp_list <- lapply(node_names, function(nom) which(nom == targets))
  names(exp_list) <- node_names
  sim_net <- tabu(.sim_data, start = start_net, tabu = 50, score = "mbde",
              exp = exp_list, prior = "cs", beta = canonical_prior, iss = 40)
  ctsdag(sim_net, interventions)
  }) %>%
  custom.strength(node_names, cpdag = FALSE)

Now in this case we are really rooting for less causal entropy:

boot_no_canonical %>%
  reduce_averaging %>%
  mutate(entropy = orientation_entropy(.),
         canonical_entropy = orientation_entropy(reduce_averaging(boot_canonical)),
         edge = arcs2names(., directed_edges = F),
         valid = ifelse(edge %in% arcs2names(arcs(net), directed_edges = F), "T", "F"),
         type = ifelse(edge %in% prior_edges, "prior", "other"),
         from_target = ifelse(from %in% interventions, TRUE, FALSE),
         to_target = ifelse(to %in% interventions, TRUE, FALSE),
         type = ifelse(from_target + to_target > 0, "oriented", type),
         type = factor(type, levels = c("other", "prior", "oriented"))
  ) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = entropy, y = canonical_entropy, 
             colour = valid, shape = type)) +
  geom_point() +
  xlab("data-only prior") + 
  ylab("canonical prior") +  
  ylim(c(0, 1)) + 
  xlim(c(0, 1)) +
  ggtitle("Comparison of orientation entropy")

Hard to tell with entropy. Maybe more of an S-curve in overall edge probability?

boot_no_canonical %>%
  mutate(prob = strength * direction,
         canonical_prob = boot_canonical$strength * boot_canonical$direction,
         edge = arcs2names(., directed_edges = F),
         valid = ifelse(edge %in% arcs2names(arcs(net), directed_edges = F), "T", "F"),
         type = ifelse(edge %in% prior_edges, "prior", "other"),
         from_target = ifelse(from %in% interventions, TRUE, FALSE),
         to_target = ifelse(to %in% interventions, TRUE, FALSE),
         type = ifelse(from_target + to_target > 0, "oriented", type),
         type = factor(type, levels = c("other", "prior", "oriented"))
  ) %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = prob, y = canonical_prob, 
             colour = valid, shape = type)) +
  geom_point() +
  xlab("data-only edge prob") + 
  ylab("canonical edge prob") +  
  ggtitle("Comparison of edge probabilities in between priors")

Seems canonical information is improving specificity.

plot_no_canonical <- boot_no_canonical %>%
  reduce_averaging %>%
    edge = arcs2names(., directed_edges = F),
    entropy = orientation_entropy(.),
    valid = ifelse(edge %in% arcs2names(arcs(net), directed_edges = F), "T", "F"),
    prior = ifelse(edge %in% prior_edges, "prior", "not")
  ) %>%
plot_canonical <- boot_canonical %>%
  reduce_averaging %>%
    edge = arcs2names(., directed_edges = F),
    entropy = orientation_entropy(.),
    valid = plot_no_canonical$valid,
    prior = plot_no_canonical$prior) %>%
edge_id <- order(order(rowMeans(cbind(plot_no_canonical$strength,
plot_no_canonical$edge_id <- edge_id
plot_canonical$edge_id <- edge_id

Strength with no canonical knowledge.

plot_no_canonical %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = edge_id, y = strength, 
             colour = valid, shape = prior, size = prior)) +
  geom_point() +
  xlab("edge id") + 
  ggtitle("Strength of inferred edges, no canonical knowledge prior")

Strength without canonical knowledge.

plot_canonical %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = edge_id, y = strength, 
             colour = valid, shape = prior, size = prior)) +
  geom_point() +
  xlab("edge id") + 
  ggtitle("Strength of inferred edges, canonical knowledge prior")

Again, an improvement in specificity.

Now orientation entropy without prior knowledge:

plot_no_canonical %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = edge_id, y = entropy, 
             colour = valid, shape = prior, size = prior)) +
  geom_point() +
  xlab("edge id") + 
  ylim(c(0, 1))
  ggtitle("Orientation entropy without prior knowledge")
plot_canonical %>%
  ggplot(aes(x = edge_id, y = entropy, 
             colour = valid, shape = prior, size = prior)) +
  geom_point() +
  xlab("edge id") + 
  ylim(c(0, 1)) +
  ggtitle("Orientation entropy with prior knowledge")

Definately a decrease in orientation entorpy using this approach.

The approach is working. Incoporating the canonical prior resulted in way less orientation entropy. Now calculating an averaging L1 and average orientation.

First, I create a list of combinations of interventions, which I will use to store values, and shorten the length of the simulation.

node_names <- nodes(net)
int_targets <- nodes(net)
cbn <- NULL
for(i in 1:(length(int_targets) - 1)){
  cbn_list_names <- combn(int_targets, i) %>%
    apply(., 2, list) %>%
    lapply(unlist) %>%
    sapply(function(item) paste0(sort(item), collapse="-"))
  cbn_list <- lapply(cbn_list_names, function(l) list(entropy = NA, L1 = NA))
  names(cbn_list) <- cbn_list_names
  cbn <- c(cbn, cbn_list)
cbn <- c(cbn, list(list(entropy = NA, L1 = NA)))
names(cbn)[length(cbn)] <- paste0(sort(int_targets), collapse = "-")

## Algo for calculating the ordering
.new_ordering <- function(ordering, starting_boot, starting_prior, .iss){
  l1s <- l1_error(net, starting_boot)
  entropies <- sum(orientation_entropy(starting_boot))
  for(i in 1:length(ordering)){
    interventions <- ordering[1:i]
    sub_order_name <- paste0(sort(interventions), collapse = "-")
    # To avoid repeats, only compute new entropies. This should take time
    prior_entropy <- cbn[[sub_order_name]]$entropy
    prior_l1 <- cbn[[sub_order_name]]$L1
      int_dex <- which(node_names %in% interventions)
      boot_i <- lapply(starting_nets, function(start_net){
        .obs_data <- rbn_fixed(net, 5)
        .sim_data <- rbn_inhibition(net, 5, targets = interventions)
        targets <- c(rep("obs", nrow(.obs_data)), attr(.sim_data, "target"))
        exp_list <- lapply(node_names, function(nom) which(nom == targets))
        names(exp_list) <- node_names
        .data <- rbind(.obs_data, .sim_data)
        sim_net <- tabu(.data, start = start_net, tabu = 50, score = "mbde",
              exp = exp_list, prior = "cs", beta = starting_prior, iss = 40)
        ctsdag(sim_net, interventions)
      }) %>%
        custom.strength(node_names, cpdag = FALSE)
      causal_entropy_i <- sum(orientation_entropy(boot_i))
      l1_i <- l1_error(net, boot_i)
      cbn[[sub_order_name]]$entropy <<- causal_entropy_i
      cbn[[sub_order_name]]$L1 <<- l1_i
    } else {
      message("used prior values")
      causal_entropy_i <- prior_entropy
      l1_i <- prior_l1
    message("L1 = ", round(l1_i, 4))
    message("entropy = ", round(causal_entropy_i, 4))
    l1s <- c(l1s, l1_i)
    entropies <- c(entropies, causal_entropy_i)
  names(entropies) <- c("start", ordering)
  names(l1s) <- c("start", ordering)
  list(entropies = entropies, l1s = l1s)

## Simulation with just observational data
random_orderings <- lapply(1:30, function(i){
starting_nets <- random.graph(node_names, 30, method = "ic-dag", = 100) 
random_ordering_data_prior_results <- lapply(random_orderings, .new_ordering,
                                      starting_boot = data_boot,
                                      starting_prior = data_prior)
save(random_ordering_data_prior_results, file = "dream_random_order_data_results.Rdata")
cbn <- NULL
for(i in 1:(length(int_targets) - 1)){
  cbn_list_names <- combn(int_targets, i) %>%
    apply(., 2, list) %>%
    lapply(unlist) %>%
    sapply(function(item) paste0(sort(item), collapse="-"))
  cbn_list <- lapply(cbn_list_names, function(l) list(entropy = NA, L1 = NA))
  names(cbn_list) <- cbn_list_names
  cbn <- c(cbn, cbn_list)
cbn <- c(cbn, list(list(entropy = NA, L1 = NA)))
names(cbn)[length(cbn)] <- paste0(sort(int_targets), collapse = "-")
random_ordering_canonical_prior_results <- lapply(random_orderings, .new_ordering,
                                      starting_boot = canonical_boot,
                                      starting_prior = canonical_prior)
save(random_ordering_canonical_prior_results, file = "dream_random_ordering_canonical_results.Rdata")

y1 <-lapply(random_ordering_data_prior_results, function(item){
}) %>%
  {"rbind", .)} %>%

y2 <-lapply(random_ordering_canonical_prior_results, function(item){
}) %>%
  {"rbind", .)} %>%
## Algo for the sim.
obs_data <- rbn(net, 80)
selected <- NULL
entropies <- NULL
info_gains <- NULL
all_results <- list()
do_sim <- function(strength_df, algo_args = NULL, base_wl = NULL){
  candidates <- int_targets
  strength_df$entropy <- orientation_entropy(strength_df)
  #p_vals <- NULL
  while(length(candidates) > 0){
    sim_results <- select_next_inhibition(obs_data, strength_df, selected,
                                          candidates, algo_args = algo_args,
                                          base_wl = base_wl, k = 30, debug = TRUE)
    next_inh <- sim_results$top_candidate
    next_entropy <- sim_results$predicted_entropy
    next_gain <- sim_results$predicted_gain
    entropies <<- c(entropies, next_entropy)
    info_gains <<- c(info_gains, next_gain)
    message("next_gain: ", round(next_gain, 4))
    candidates <- setdiff(candidates, next_inh)
    selected <<- c(selected, next_inh)
    all_results <<- c(all_results, sim_results)
    names(all_results)[length(all_results)] <- paste0(selected, collapse = "-")
    #message("null dist when ", selected, " is selected looks like ",
    #        paste(round(head(null_dist), 4), collapse = ", "))
    if(length(candidates) == 0) break
  list(selected = selected, entropies = entropies,
       info_gains = info_gains, all_results = all_results)
## Simulation with just observational data
cl <- makeCluster(4)
algo_args <- list(score = "bde", prior = "cs", beta = canonical_prior, tabu = 50, whitelist = NULL, iss = 40)
npr_time <- system.time(canonical_result <- do_sim(canonical_boot, algo_args = algo_args))
save(canonical_result, file = "canonical_prior_result_5-1-16_iss40.Rdata")

robertness/artemis documentation built on May 27, 2019, 10:32 a.m.