
#' @title Package SETHRO
#' @description 
#' Simple Enrichment Testing for Highly Redundant Ontologies
#' @details
#' Functions:\cr
#' \code{\link{clusteredEnrichmentGO}} - calculate gene set enrichment with subsequent clustering of redundant terms.\cr
#' \code{\link{createAnnotationMatrix}} - creates a sparse annotation matrix from a names list of gene identifiers.\cr
#' \code{\link{createGoMatrix}} - creates a sparse annotation matrix using a bioconductor annotation package.\cr
#' \code{\link{plotClusteredEnrichment}} - plots primary terms from a \link{clusteredEnrichmentGO} result.\cr 
#' @name SETHRO-package
#' @aliases SETHRO
#' @author 
#' Robert Sehlke
#' @docType package

robertsehlke/SETHRO documentation built on May 29, 2019, 8:38 a.m.