Man pages for robertzk/batbelt
batbelt (

as.ordinalConverts a number to an ordinal (e.g., first, second, etc.)
batbeltDescribe the package.
capitalizeCapitalizes the first letter of a string.
create_fileCreates a file from a value, with overwrite protection.
create_folderCreates a folder, with overwrite protection.
ensure_in_interactiveStop if the user is not in interactive mode. Prevents code...
ensure_not_in_interactiveStop if the user is in interactive mode. Prevents code from...
find_funFinds the name of the package that a function is from.
find_variablesFinds variables within an expression.
function_from_exprTakes an expression and turns it into a function by inferring...
get_githubFinds the URL for a GitHub page.
github_fun_searchSearches for a function in GitHub using GitHub's search.
isFALSEThe counterpart to isTRUE.
lastGets the last element in a vector.
open_funOpens a function in GitHub or dies trying.
open_githubOpens a GitHub page.
syntax_treeReturns the syntax tree for an expression.
robertzk/batbelt documentation built on May 27, 2019, 10:34 a.m.