Iterating over R packages Build Status Coverage Status

Iterative operations on a collection of packages. Useful for R developers with many packages to maintain.


This package is not yet available from CRAN (as of February 21, 2015). To install the latest development builds directly from GitHub, run this instead:

if (!require("devtools")) install.packages("devtools")


You can use pkgapply to iterate over each package and apply some operation.

pkgapply(c('package1', 'package2'), dir = '/root/dir', function(pkg) { ... })

If you leave the package names blank, it will loop over all directories relative to dir that contain a DESCRIPTION file and are thus recognized as being R packages.

pkgapply(dir = '/root/dir', function(pkg) { ... })

If you do not provide a directory, the current directory will be used.

pkgapply(function(pkg) { ... })

In each example ,pkg will be the result of taking the package directory and feeding it to devtools::as.package(pkg) (this is just a list with a path key and some information from the DESCRIPTION file).

robertzk/packagepackage documentation built on May 27, 2019, 10:35 a.m.