
##' Real-world data on PM10 pollution in Rouen area, France
##' These data are TEOM (Tapered Element Oscillating Microbalance) PM10
##' concentrations from 2004 to 2006 (1096 days) measured by Air Normand, and
##' the associated weather data provided by Meteo France, the French national
##' meteorological service, using six different monitoring sites.
##' Six different monitoring stations of the Rouen (Haute Normandie, France)
##' area are considered. The urban station \code{jus}, the traffic station
##' \code{gui}, the second most polluted in the region, and \code{gcm} which is
##' located in an industrial area. In Le Havre, are considered the stations
##' \code{rep} (the most polluted in the region) and \code{hri} located at the
##' seaside. Lastly, the station \code{ail} near Dieppe, because it is rural and
##' coastal, and a priori hardly influenced by social and industrial activity.
##' Grouping by categories: \code{jus} and \code{hri} are background urban
##' monitoring sites, \code{gui} and \code{rep} are urban sites close to
##' traffic, \code{gcm} is industrial and \code{ail} is rural.
##' @format Each object is a data frame.
##'   The description of the 18 variables is the following (note that for
##'   \code{gcm} station, only the pollutant SO2 is available in addition to
##'   PM10, and for \code{ail} station, there is no other pollutant in addition
##'   to PM10):
##' \describe{
##'   \item{PM10}{Daily mean concentration of PM10, in \eqn{\mu g/m^3}}
##'   \item{NO, NO2, SO2}{Daily mean concentration of NO, NO2 , SO2, in 
##'   \eqn{\mu g/m^3}}
##'   \item{T.min, T.max, T.moy}{Daily minimum, maximum and mean temperature, in
##'   degree Celsius}
##'   \item{DV.maxvv, DV.dom}{Daily maximum speed and dominant wind direction,
##'   in degree (for wind direction, 0 degree corresponds to north)}
##'   \item{VV.max, VV.moy}{Daily maximum and mean wind speed, in m/s}
##'   \item{PL.som}{Daily rainfall, in mm}
##'   \item{HR.min, HR.max, HR.moy}{Daily minimum, maximum and mean relative
##'   humidity, in \%}
##'   \item{PA.moy}{Daily mean air pressure, in hPa}
##'   \item{GTrouen, GTlehavre}{Daily temperature gradient, in degree Celsius}
##' }
##' @source F.-X. Jollois, J.-M. Poggi, B. Portier, \emph{Three non-linear
##'   statistical methods to analyze PM10 pollution in Rouen area}. CSBIGS 3(1):
##'   1-17, 2009
##' @docType data
##' @name PM10

##' @rdname PM10

##' @rdname PM10

##' @rdname PM10

##' @rdname PM10

##' @rdname PM10

##' @rdname PM10
robingenuer/VSURF documentation built on July 15, 2024, 8:18 p.m.