  collapse = TRUE,
  comment = "#>"

Batch Adjustment by Reference Alignment (BARA)


Data obtained using biological data acquisition techniques are often associated with batch effects. Batch effects can arise from a large variety of sources and can sometimes have detrimental impacts on subsequent analyses. Batch effects are especially troublesome in prediction problems where it is common to have a fixed prediction model for classifying subsequently acquired test samples. Thus, the training set and the test set are often completely correlated with batch, which can have a negative impact on the model's prediction performance.

BARA is a method developed specifically for adjusting batch effects between training sets and test sets in predictive settings using reference samples. Further, the method assumes that the variance important for making accurate predictions can be captured in a lower dimensional space defined by the singular vectors of the training set. Using a subset of the singular vectors containing the largest fraction of variance, the adjustments between the training set and the test set is made in the compressed space spanned by the vectors.

This package is currently under construction, but the important functions are described below.

Main Functions

The bara method is implemented by first creating a BaraFit object using the bara_fit() function. The function uses the training set to identify a set of singular vectors, where the number of vectors retained are based on either the ndim or the loss parameters. The function returns a list of objects that can be used in a subsequent step for adjusting test data. The returned list contains the compressed input data in fit$x, which can be used to define a prediction model.

# Generate some "training data".
x <- matrix(rnorm(4000), nrow = 40)
# Define the index of the reference samples
ref <- c(10, 30)
# Only retain 10 dimensions of x.
ndim = 10
# Create the BaraFit object
fit <- bara_fit(x = x, ref = ref, ndim = ndim, verbose = FALSE)
head(fit$x[, 1:3], n = 3)

The adjustment of a test set can be made by using the bara_adjust() method. The function returns the adjusted test data that can be fed into the prediction model defined by the compressed training set.

# Generate some test data and define the test reference samples
x_test <- matrix(rnorm(2000), nrow = 20)
ref_test <- c(5, 15)
x_test_adjusted <- bara_adjust(bara_fit = fit, x = x_test, ref = ref_test)
head(x_test_adjusted[, 1:3], n = 3)

Often, the optimal number of dimensions to retain can be optimized by testing. Therefore, the package also contains a function for estimating the optimal compression factor (the number of dimensions to retain). Currently, the optimization can only be performed when both a training set and a test set exist. The method is implemented in the function bara_optimize_ext(). To allow flexibility, the function requires the user to input functions for fitting a prediction model, classifying the test set and for evaluating the performance.

# Define response levels for the training set and the test set
y <- factor(rep(c(1, 2), each = 20))  # For the training set
y_test <- factor(rep(c(1, 2), each = 10))
# Test the method with a kNN model.
# Define the fit function f
# The function must take the inputs: x, y and ...
fit_f <- function(x, y, ...){
  # Because the kNN function takes the training set and the test
  # set as input simultaneously, the training set and the labels are 
  # just bundled in a list.
    x = x,
    y = y
# Define the prediction function
# The required inputs are: object, x and ...
pred_f <- function(object, x, ...){
  knn(train = object$x, test = x, cl = object$y, k = 4)

# Finally, define the performance method by estimating accuracy.
# Required arguments are: y, pred and ...
perf_f <- function(y, pred, ...){
  mean(y == pred) * 100

# Now, the optimization function can be run.
opt_results <- bara_optimize_ext(
  x_train = x,
  ref_train = ref,
  y_train = y,
  x_test = x_test,
  ref_test = ref_test,
  y_test = y_test,
  fit_fun = fit_f,
  pred_fun = pred_f,
  perf_fun = perf_f,
  perf_objective = 'maximize',
  verbose = FALSE

robingradin/bara documentation built on May 9, 2019, 2:24 a.m.