Man pages for robjhyndman/demography
Forecasting Mortality, Fertility, Migration and Population Data a demogdata object to a data.frame object
ausfertAustralian fertility data
cm.splineMonotonic interpolating splines
coherentfdmCoherent functional demographic model for grouped data
combine.demogdataCombine two demogdata objects into one demogdata object
compare.demogdataEvaluation of demographic forecast accuracy
demogdataCreate demogdata object from raw data matrices
demography-packageForecasting mortality and fertility data
extract.agesExtract some ages from a demogdata object
extract.yearsExtract some years from a demogdata object
fdmFunctional demographic model
forecast.fdmForecast functional demographic model.
forecast.fdmprForecast coherent functional demographic model.
forecast.lcaForecast demogdata data using Lee-Carter method.
fr.mortFrench mortality data
hmdRead data from HMD and construct a mortality demogdata object
isfeIntegrated Squared Forecast Error for models of various...
lcaModel mortality or fertility data using Lee-Carter approach
life.expectancyEstimate life expectancy from mortality rates
lifetableConstruct lifetables from mortality rates
mean.demogdataMean and median functions for data of class demogdata
migrationCalculate net migration from mortality and fertility data
modelsShow model information for the forecast coefficients in FDM...
plot.demogdataPlot age-specific demographic functions
plot.errorfdmPlot differences between actuals and estimates from fitted...
plot.fmforecastPlot forecasts from a functional demographic modell
plot.lifetablePlot life expectancy from lifetable
pop.simPopulation simulation
read.demogdataRead demographic data and construct demogdata object
residuals.fdmCompute residuals and fitted values from functional...
set.upperageCombine the upperages of a demogdata object.
sex.ratioCompute sex ratios from mortality rates
simulate.fmforecastSimulate future sample paths from functional demographic...
smooth.demogdataCreate smooth demogdata functions
summary.fdmSummary for functional demographic model or Lee-Carter model
tfrCompute total fertility rate from fertility rates
updateUpdating functional demographic models and coherent...
robjhyndman/demography documentation built on July 31, 2023, 1:17 a.m.