knitr::opts_chunk$set(collapse = TRUE, comment = "#>", fig.path = "man/figures/")


R build status CRAN_Status_Badge Downloads Lifecycle: retired

hts is retired, with minimum maintenance to keep it on CRAN. We recommend using the fable package instead.

The R package hts presents functions to create, plot and forecast hierarchical and grouped time series.


You can install the stable version on R CRAN.

install.packages('hts', dependencies = TRUE)

You can also install the development version from Github

# install.packages("devtools")


Example 1: hierarchical time series


# hts example 1
aggts1 <- aggts(htseg1)
aggts2 <- aggts(htseg1, levels = 1)
aggts3 <- aggts(htseg1, levels = c(0, 2))
plot(htseg1, levels = 1)
smatrix(htseg1)  # Return the dense mode

# Forecasts
fcasts1.bu <- forecast(
  htseg1, h = 4, method = "bu", fmethod = "ets", parallel = TRUE
aggts4 <- aggts(fcasts1.bu)
summary(fcasts1.bu) <- forecast(
  htseg1, h = 4, method = "tdfp", fmethod = "arima", keep.fitted = TRUE
summary(  # When keep.fitted = TRUE, return in-sample accuracy
fcasts1.comb <- forecast(
  htseg1, h = 4, method = "comb", fmethod = "ets", keep.fitted = TRUE
aggts4 <- aggts(fcasts1.comb)
plot(fcasts1.comb, levels = 2)
plot(fcasts1.comb, include = 5, levels = c(1, 2))

Example 2: hierarchical time series

# hts example 2
data <- window(htseg2, start = 1992, end = 2002)
test <- window(htseg2, start = 2003) <- forecast(
  data, h = 5, method = "mo", fmethod = "ets", level = 1,
  keep.fitted = TRUE, keep.resid = TRUE
accuracy.gts(, test)
accuracy.gts(, test, levels = 1) <- forecast(
  data, h = 5, method = "tdgsa", fmethod = "ets", 
  keep.fitted = TRUE, keep.resid = TRUE
plot(, include = 5)
plot(, include = 5, levels = c(0, 2))

Example 3: grouped time series

# gts example
plot(infantgts, levels = 1)

fcasts3.comb <- forecast(infantgts, h = 4, method = "comb", fmethod = "ets")
agg_gts1 <- aggts(fcasts3.comb, levels = 1)
agg_gts2 <- aggts(fcasts3.comb, levels = 1, forecasts = FALSE)
plot(fcasts3.comb, include = 5, levels = c(1, 2))

fcasts3.combsd <- forecast(
  infantgts, h = 4, method = "comb", fmethod = "ets",
  weights = "sd", keep.fitted = TRUE

fcasts3.combn <- forecast(
  infantgts, h = 4, method = "comb", fmethod = "ets",
  weights = "nseries", keep.resid = TRUE


This package is free and open source software, licensed under GPL (>= 2).

robjhyndman/hts documentation built on Nov. 24, 2021, 6:21 p.m.