Man pages for rogerclarkgc/estableiso0.99
Stable isotope analysis which using euclideanmetric model

euclideanmetricCalculate the euclideanmetric distance of two points in the...
iso.demoThe demo of this package
iso.densityplot2Draw a densityplot to show the result of the model
iso.euclidean2Generate the sample list of your input
iso.histogramsDraw a histograms using the output of function iso.mcm()
iso.loaddataLoad the data from R objects or files
iso.mcmResample the sample list using random sampling method
iso.menuThe guid menu of this package
iso.plotDraw the dot plot of mixture and sources
rogerclarkgc/estableiso0.99 documentation built on May 27, 2019, 12:16 p.m.