Man pages for rogiersbart/RMT3DMS
Pre- and post-processing of MT3DMS & MT3D-USGS files

reexportsObjects exported from other packages
rmt_as_listGeneric to convert objects to rmt_list
rmt_convert_btn_to_disConvert RMT3DMS btn to RMODFLOW dis object
rmt_convert_dis_to_btnConvert RMT3DMS dis to RMT3DMS btn object
rmt_convert_rmf_to_rmtConvert a RMODFLOW object to a RMT3DMS object
rmt_convert_tob_to_locationsConvert a tob object to a locations data frame
rmt_createCreate an 'RMT3DMS' mt3dms object
rmt_create_advCreate an 'RMT3DMS' adv object
rmt_create_arrayAdd rmt3dms array class to object based on object dimensions
rmt_create_btnCreate a 'RMT3DMS' btn object
rmt_create_dspCreate an 'RMT3DMS' dsp object
rmt_create_gcgCreate an 'RMT3DMS' gcg object
rmt_create_listCreate a rmt_list object
rmt_create_namCreate an 'RMT3DMS' nam object
rmt_create_rctCreate an 'RMT3DMS' rct object
rmt_create_ssmCreate an 'RMT3DMS' ssm object
rmt_create_tobCreate a 'RMT3DMS' tob object
rmt_executeExecute a MT3DMS or MT3D-USGS model
rmti_check_ftl_binaryCheck if the FTL file is binary
rmti_create_bc_listFunction to create a rmt_list object from RMODFLOW discete...
rmti_download_codeDownload a code
rmti_findFind paths to executables
rmti_ifelse0Conditional return
rmti_install_codeInstall codes
rmti_list_packagesList supported MT3DMS/MT3D-USGS packages
rmt_installInstall external codes
rmti_parse_arrayGet an array specified by a control record from the text...
rmti_parse_commentsRead comments Internal function used in the read_* functions...
rmti_parse_ftl_headerRead the package header from a flow-transport link file
rmti_parse_variablesRead MT3DMS single-line variables
rmti_remove_comments_end_of_lineRemove comments at the end of a string
rmti_remove_empty_stringsRemove empty elements from a vector of strings.
rmti_write_arrayWrite MT3DMS array Internal function used in the rmt_write_*...
rmti_write_variablesWrite MT3DMS variables Internal function used in the...
rmt_plotGeneric function for static 2D plotting
rmt_plot.cbudPlot a MT3DMS mass budget
rmt_plot.cobsPlot a MT3DMS concentrations observation time series
rmt_plot.masPlot a MT3DMS mass summary file time series
rmt_plot.mfxPlot a MT3DMS mass flux file
rmt_plot.ocnPlot a MT3DMS observed concentration file
rmt_plot.rmt_2d_arrayPlot a MT3DMS 2D array
rmt_plot.rmt_3d_arrayPlot a 2D section through a MT3DMS 3D array
rmt_plot.rmt_4d_arrayPlot a 2D section through a MT3DMS 4D array
rmt_plot.rmt_listPlot a RMT3DMS list object
rmt_plot.ssPlot an MT3DMS ss object
rmt_plot.tobPlot a RMT3DMS tob object
rmt_plot.ucnPlot a MT3D ucn file object
rmt_readRead a MT3DMS model
rmt_read_advRead an MT3DMS advection package file
rmt_read_btnRead a MT3DMS basic transport package file
rmt_read_budReads the mass budget from a MT3DMS listing file
rmt_read_dspRead an MT3DMS dispersion package file
rmt_read_gcgRead an MT3DMS generalized conjugate gradient solver package...
rmt_read_masRead an MT3DMS mass balance summary file
rmt_read_mfxRead a MT3DMS mass flux file
rmt_read_namRead a MT3DMS name file
rmt_read_obsRead an MT3DMS Concentrations Observation File
rmt_read_ocnRead a MT3DMS observed concentration file
rmt_read_rctRead an MT3DMS Chemical Reaction Package file
rmt_read_ssmRead an MT3DMS sink & source mixing package file
rmt_read_tobRead an MT3DMS transport observation package file
rmt_read_ucnRead an MT3DMS unformatted concentration file
rmt_writeWrite a MT3DMS model
rmt_write_advWrite an MT3DMS advection package file
rmt_write_btnWrite a MT3DMS basic transport package file
rmt_write_dspWrite an MT3DMS dispersion package file
rmt_write_gcgWrite an MT3DMS generalized conjugate gradient solver package...
rmt_write_namWrite a MT3DMS name file
rmt_write_rctWrite an MT3DMS Chemical Reaction Package file
rmt_write_ssmWrite an MT3DMS Sink-Source Mixing Package file
rmt_write_tobWrite a MT3DMS transport observation package file
rogiersbart/RMT3DMS documentation built on Oct. 16, 2021, 9:45 a.m.