Man pages for roliveros-ramos/calibrar
Automated Parameter Estimation for Complex Models

ahresAdaptative Hierarchical Recombination Evolutionary Strategy...
calibrar-defunctDefunct functions in package 'calibrar'.
calibrar_demoDemos for the calibrar package
calibrar-packageAutomated Calibration for Complex Models
calibrateSequential parameter estimation for the calibration of...
calibration_dataGet observed data for the calibration of a model
calibration_objFnCreate an objective function to be used with optimization...
calibration_setupGet information to run a calibration using the 'calibrar'...
createObjectiveFunction-defunctCreate an objective function to be used with optimization...
dot-get_command_argumentGet an specific argument from the command line
dot-read_configurationRead a configuration file.
gaussian_kernelCalculate a discretization of the 2D Gaussian Kernel
getCalibrationInfo-defunctGet information to run a calibration using the 'calibrar'...
getObservedData-defunctGet observed data for the calibration of a model
gradientNumerical computation of the gradient, with parallel...
objFnCalcuted error measure between observed and simulated data
optim2General-purpose optimization with parallel numerical gradient...
optimhGeneral-purpose optimization using heuristic algorithms
SphereNSphere function with random noise
spline_parPredict time-varying parameters using splines.
summary.calibrar.resultsSummary for calibration results object
roliveros-ramos/calibrar documentation built on March 15, 2024, 12:08 a.m.