Man pages for roliveros-ramos/nctools
Tools for manipulation netCDF files

checkLongitudeCheck and correct Longitude values given the position of the...
findPrimeMeridianFind the Prime Meridian
nc_applyApply Functions Over Dimensions of a netCDF variable.
ncatt_get_allGet all variable's attributes from a ncdf object
ncatt_put_allPut several attributes to a ncdf object
nc_changePrimeMeridianChange the Prime Meridian of a variable in a ncdf file.
ncdim_isUnlimIs the dimention unlimited?
ncdim_sizeGet the dimensions of the variables in a ncdf object.
nc_extractCreate a new file with one variable from a ncdf file
nc_maskExtract a mask from a ncdf file.
nc_maxCalculate sample maximum over the dimensions of a ncdf...
nc_meanCalculate sample mean over the dimensions of a ncdf variable
nc_minCalculate sample minimum over the dimensions of a ncdf...
nc_quantileCalculate sample quantiles over the dimensions of a ncdf...
nc_rcatConcatenate records of the same variable from different ncdf...
nc_regridRegrid a variable from a ncdf file
nc_renameRenaming variable and dimensions in a netCDF File
nc_subsetSubset a ncdf variable
nc_unlimMake a dimension unlimited
ncvar_change_compressionChange the compression of the variables in a ncdf object.
ncvar_compressionGet the compression of the variables in a ncdf object.
ncvar_dimGet dimension names for each variable in a ncdf file
ncvar_sizeGet the size of the variables in a ncdf object.
write_ncdfData output in ncdf format
roliveros-ramos/nctools documentation built on Aug. 13, 2022, midnight