Man pages for roman-gulati/overdiag
A package to investigate empirical estimates of overdiagnosis

calculate_clinicalCalculate clinical incidence in the presence of screening.
calculate_screenCalculate screen incidence in the presence of screening.
generate_absenceSimulate incidence in the absence of screening.
generate_overdiagSimulate incidence of overdiagnosis.
generate_presenceSimulate incidence in the presence of screening.
multipopulation_plotPlot incidence with gradual dissemination of screening in a...
multipopulation_settingSimulate incidence with gradual dissemination of screening in...
overdiagoverdiag: A package to investigate empirical estimates of...
population_settingSimulate incidence under simple dissemination of screening in...
trial_plotPlot incidence in a randomized trial.
trial_settingSimulate incidence in a trial setting.
roman-gulati/overdiag documentation built on May 27, 2019, 1:49 p.m.