Man pages for romunov/zvau
Misc functions used by our ecology lab

drawLociDraw alleles for loci list.
findIntegerIntervalFind interval of sequential integers
findSeasonFor a datum, find into which season it belongs to.
genindSlidingWindowCreate a list of genind objects based on a sliding window....
goSlideCalculate sliding window cohorts
MratioCalculate the Garza-Williamson M-ratio.
plotCircleOnMapPlot circles on a map
readClumppRead a Clumpp file
readColonyFunction will read in result from Colony.
subsetGenDataHandles dropping levels of subsetted data
throwoutKinFunction finds non related individuals.
writeCoancestryFunction will write 'genind' object to Coancestry file...
writeGenePopWrite genind object to text files
writeGenPopWrite genind as GENEPOP file
writeINESTWrite genind object as INEST file
writeStructureFunction writes a genind object to a text file
zvau-packageMisc functions used by out group
romunov/zvau documentation built on May 27, 2019, 1:50 p.m.