
Defines functions SotkanetIndicatorMetadata

Documented in SotkanetIndicatorMetadata

#' @title Sotkanet Indicator Metadata. (old version)
#' @description Retrieves sotkanet indicator metadata. (This is an older version of the function. 
#'  It is advised to use the new [sotkanet_indicator_metadata()] function instead.)
#' @details Data is fetched from \preformatted{https://sotkanet.fi/rest/1.1/indicators/<id>}
#' @param id Indicator id
#' @param type Parameter passed onto \code{\link{SotkanetIndicators}}. Default
#'    is 'raw' for the whole output but 'table' is also supported
#' @param user.agent "User agent" defined by the user. Default is NULL which
#'    will use the default package identifier "rOpenGov/sotkanet"
#' @return sotkanet indicator metadata as a list object
#' @references See citation("sotkanet") 
#' @author Maintainer: Pyry Kantanen
#' @examples 
#' \dontrun{
#' x <- SotkanetIndicatorMetadata(10013)
#' }
#' @keywords utilities
#' @export
SotkanetIndicatorMetadata <- function(id = NULL, type = "raw", user.agent = NULL)
  message("This is an old version of the function.\nIt is advised to use the new sotkanet_indicator_metadata function instead.")
  if (is.null(id)){
    message("Please input a valid indicator id number")
  suppressMessages(SotkanetIndicators(id, type))
ropengov/sotkanet documentation built on July 15, 2024, 8:23 p.m.