
#' Check whether the package contains at least one vignette.
#' @param checks A 'pkgcheck' object with full \pkg{pkgstats} summary and
#' \pkg{goodpractice} results.
#' @return Logical flag
#' @noRd
pkgchk_has_vignette <- function (checks) {

    # from pkgdown
    # https://github.com/r-lib/pkgdown/blob/705ff7c650bb1c7d46d35e72f27ad093689e2f29/R/package.r#L202 # nolint
    base <- fs::path (checks$pkg$path, "vignettes")

    vig_path <- character (0L)

    if (dir.exists (base)) {
        vig_path <- list.files (base,
            pattern = "\\.[rR]md$",
            recursive = TRUE,
            full.names = TRUE

    is_html <- function (f) {
        format <- rmarkdown::default_output_format (f)$name

        # See suffix dictionary at
        # ropensci-review-tools/pkgstats/R/type-dict.R
        # `.xht` is ignored here, otherwise the full list is
        # - .html.hl
        # - .htm
        # - .html
        # - .xhtml
        # - .phtml
        # - .rhtml
        # - .cshtml
        # - .distill_article
        # so the following pattern suffices:
        html_prefixes <- "htm(l?)|distill"

        grepl (html_prefixes, format, ignore.case = TRUE)

    is_html <- unlist (lapply (vig_path, is_html))

    return (any (is_html))

output_pkgchk_has_vignette <- function (checks) {

    out <- list (
        check_pass = checks$checks$has_vignette,
        summary = "",
        print = ""
    ) # no print method

    out$summary <- ifelse (
        "Package has at least one HTML vignette",
        "Package has no HTML vignettes"

    return (out)
ropensci-review-tools/pkgcheck documentation built on Nov. 24, 2024, 7:57 p.m.