
#' Tick symbol for markdown output
#' @noRd
symbol_tck <- function () {


#' Cross symbol for markdown output
#' @noRd
symbol_crs <- function () {


get_Rd_meta <- utils::getFromNamespace (".Rd_get_metadata", "tools") # nolint

#' Decompose file paths into character vectors of named directories and final
#' file names
#' @param f One of more file paths with system-dependent file separators
#' @return List of equivalent character vectors from which paths can be
#' reconstructed with \link{file.path}
#' @noRd
decompose_path <- function (f) {

    # https://github.com/r-lib/fs/blob/4cc4b56c26b9d7f177a676fbb331133bb2584b86/R/path.R # nolint
    strsplit (f, "^(?=/)(?!//)|(?<!^)(?<!^/)/", perl = TRUE)

#' List all checks currently implemented
#' @param quiet If `TRUE`, print all checks to screen. Function invisibly
#' returns list of checks regardless.
#' @return Character vector of names of all checks (invisibly)
#' @examples
#' list_pkgchecks ()
#' @family extra
#' @export
list_pkgchecks <- function (quiet = FALSE) {

    chks <- grep (
        ls (envir = asNamespace ("pkgcheck"), all.names = TRUE),
        value = TRUE

    if (!quiet) {
        cli::cli_alert_info (paste0 (
            "The following checks are ",
            "currently implemented in pkgcheck:"
        cli::cli_ol (chks)
        cli::cli_end ()

    invisible (chks)

#' Modified verion of getNamespaceExports` to exclude fns re-exported from other
#' packages
#' @noRd
exported_fns <- function (path) {

    nspace <- readLines (fs::path (path, "NAMESPACE"))
    exports <- grep ("^export\\s?\\(", nspace, value = TRUE)
    exports <- gsub ("^export\\s?\\(|\\)$", "", exports)
    exports <- unlist (strsplit (exports, ",\\s?"))
    exports <- gsub ("\\\"", "", exports)

    # exclude any re-exports from other packages (typically like "%>%"):
    imports <- grep ("^importFrom\\s?\\(", nspace, value = TRUE)
    imports <- vapply (imports,
        function (i) {
            gsub ("\\)$", "", strsplit (i, ",") [[1]] [2])
        character (1),
    imports <- gsub ("\\\"", "", imports)

    return (exports [which (!exports %in% imports)])

#' Convert anything that is not an environment into one.
#' Used in `collate_extra_env_checks` to convert package names into namespace
#' environments.
#' @noRd
env2namespace <- function (e) {

    if (!is.environment (e)) {

        s <- search ()
        if (any (grepl (paste0 (e, "$"), s))) {
            e <- s [grep (paste0 (e, "$"), s)] [1] # hard-code to 1st value
            e <- gsub ("package\\:", "", e)

        e <- tryCatch (
            asNamespace (e),
            error = function (err) NULL

    return (e)

#' Try to get available.packages()
#' That function fails when no CRAN mirror is set, which is generally the case
#' on GitHub runners, even if set as "repos" option. In those cases, this
#' returns `NULL`.
#' @noRd
get_available_packages <- function () {
    op <- options ()
    if (is.null (getOption ("repos"))) {
        # Needed for GitHub runners, because avail.pkgs fails with no mirror set
        options (repos = c (CRAN = "https://cloud.r-project.org"))
    ap <- tryCatch (
        data.frame (utils::available.packages (), stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
        error = function (e) NULL
    options (op)

    return (ap)
ropensci-review-tools/pkgcheck documentation built on Nov. 24, 2024, 7:57 p.m.