
# These tests fail on GHA on windows because of path issues
skip_on_os ("windows")

test_that ("pkgcheck_bg() works", {

    withr::local_envvar (list (
            file.path (tempdir (), "pkgcheck")

    pkgname <- paste0 (sample (c (letters, LETTERS), 8), collapse = "")
    if (dir.exists (file.path (tempdir (), pkgname))) {
        chk <- unlink (file.path (tempdir (), pkgname),
            recursive = TRUE
    d <- srr::srr_stats_pkg_skeleton (pkg_name = pkgname)

    x <- capture.output (
        roxygen2::roxygenise (d),
        type = "message"

    expect_true (length (x) > 10)
    expect_true (any (grepl ("srrstats", x)))

    x <- pkgcheck_bg (d)
    expect_s3_class (x, "r_process")
    expect_s3_class (x, "R6")

    pt1 <- system.time ({
        while (x$is_alive ()) {
            Sys.sleep (0.1)
    }) [3]

    out <- x$get_result ()
    expect_type (out, "list")
    expect_length (out, 5L)

    # results should then be cached:
    pt2 <- system.time (
        x2 <- pkgcheck (d)
    ) [3]

    # expect_true (pt2 < pt1) # not always fulfilled
ropensci-review-tools/pkgcheck documentation built on Nov. 24, 2024, 7:57 p.m.