IEEE_search: The main search function for IEEE

View source: R/IEEE_search.R

IEEE_searchR Documentation

The main search function for IEEE


Allows for progammatic searching of the IEEE pre-print repository.


IEEE_search(query = NULL, start = 1, limit = 10, sort_by = c("year",
  "author", "title", "affiliation", "journal"), ascending = TRUE,
  batchsize = 100, output_format = c("data.frame", "list"), sep = "|")



Character string (for a simple search), or a named list of search strings, with the names corresponding to IEEE search parameters (see query_param or


An offset for the start of search (>= 1)


Maximum number of records to return


How to sort the results


If TRUE, sort in ascending order; else descending


Maximum number of records to request at one time


Indicates whether output should be a data frame or a list


String to use to separate multiple entries in multiple-entry fields (e.g., controlledterms), in the case that output_format="data.frame".


If output_format="data.frame", the result is a data frame with each row being a manuscript and columns being the various fields.

If output_format="list", the result is a list parsed from the XML output of the search, closer to the raw output from IEEE.

The data frame format has the following columns.

[,1] rank numeric rank in search
[,2] title article title
[,3] authors semicolon delimited list of author names
[,4] affiliations authors' affiliations
[,5] pubtitle publication in which article appears
[,6] punumber IEEE identifier for publication
[,7] py publication year
[,8] volume volume number
[,9] issue issue number
[,10] part part
[,11] spage start page
[,12] epage end page
[,13] arnumber unique article number
[,14] abstract first 250 words of the abstract
[,15] doi digital object identifier
[,16] mdurl document URL
[,17] pdf URL for PDF
[,18] pubtype publication type (Journal, Conference, or Standard)
[,19] publisher publisher
[,20] isbn ISBN number
[,21] issn ISSN number
[,22] publicationId publication ID
[,23] thesaurusterms terms from IEEE thesaurus
[,24] controlledterms terms from INSPEC controlled thesaurus
[,25] uncontrolledterms terms not from INSPEC thesaurus
[,26] htmlFlag html flag ("1" or "")

The contents are all strings; missing values are empty strings ("").

Some columns (e.g., thesaurusterms and controlledterms) may have multiple entries separated by sep (by default, "|").

The result includes an attribute "search_info" that includes information about the details of the search parameters, including the time at which it was completed. Additional attributes include "totalfound", the total number of records that match the query, and totalsearched, the total number of records searched.


# search for author Rabiner with Markov in title
z <- IEEE_search(list(au="Rabiner", ti="Markov"), limit=2)
attr(z, "totalfound") # total no. records matching query

# search for author Rabiner in years 1960-1970
z <- IEEE_search(list(au="Rabiner", pys=1960, pye=1970))

ropensci/IEEER documentation built on May 18, 2022, 8:58 a.m.