knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = TRUE)

Installing on Windows

You can install the stable version of {MODIStsp} from CRAN:


, or the development version (containing the latest improvements and bug fixes) from GitHub:


Installing on Linux Systems

To install {MODIStsp} on Linux, you need to be able to install the {sf} package, which requires several dependencies. See HERE if you have trouble installing {sf}.

In addition, you need to install dependencies required by the {protolite} package, required by {geojson}. See HERE for instructions on installing them.

Then, you can install the stable version of {MODIStsp} from CRAN:


, or the development version (containing the latest improvements and bug fixes) from GitHub:


Notice that, in order to be able to read input HDF4 MODIS archives, your GDAL installation must support the HDF4 format. You can check that with the command:

"HDF4" %in% sf::st_drivers("raster")$name

, that should return TRUE. Most of the OS includes a GDAL distribution which supports this format, while some do not (e.g. ArchLinux, see here).

Installing on Mac

To install {MODIStsp} on MacOS, you need to be able to install the {sf} package, which requires gdal to be installed. See HERE if you have trouble installing {sf}.

Then, you can install the stable version of {MODIStsp} from CRAN:


, or the development version (containing the latest improvements and bug fixes) from GitHub:


ropensci/MODIStsp documentation built on July 19, 2024, 8:29 p.m.